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Showing posts from July 24, 2013

breast cancer

Warning very important and very dangerous I hope everyone who reads this publication that shares the brovailh to warn all relatives and friends because we are complacent in it so much ● In the British study, said doctor Cheryl krwanh tumors should not drink bottled water that has been left in the car. The most common reasons that lead to breast cancer is drinking from the water and exposed to the Sun and heat and the recession leading to degradation of high levels of carcinogenic dioxin "factory of plastic packaging and that appear in tissue samples of breast cancer. ● Due to the heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic container and you release a dangerous substance called dioxin is a highly toxic to cells of our bodies

Infertility treatment

Infertility treatment Try to find the cause of the problem and treatment of treatment can be summarized as follows: 1-increasing the quantity and quality of sperm specific instructions. A.. the way through changes in life habits. -Away from cigarettes. -Stay away from drinking alcohol in large quantities. -Away from high heat sources. -Don't wear tight underwear. B. changing environment: -Non-chemical exposure of workers in factories. -Stop all medicines that affect the sperm. 2.-to promote and work on improving sperm production plants: A-medical treatment: * Use of hormone therapy in different sperm samples, Tamoxifene, androgens, is trying to increase the amount of clomiphene Bromocriptine, GnRH, GnRH Gonadotrophins and except for very limited success of these medications, Gonadotrophins gonad Hypogonadism, as well as others, in some cases, it gives better results. Tamoxifene therapy may work in some cases. * Other treatments: ...

Infertility in woman

Infertility in women * A bug in the ovaries and is 30-40% of cases of infertility in women. So disturbed function of the ovaries or no ovulation due to malfunction of pituitary and ovarian hormones that influence growth and maturation of the ovum and launched and edited from the ovary to snatch her tube and its natural complement, or as a result of a congenital defect in the ovaries or histological composition of sacculations. * A bug in the pipe or what we call the fallopian tubal or estimated that 30-40% of infertility in women. The pipes of a tanker for the egg first, so grab an egg from the ovary and tube easily sliding off it, and then to meet with sperm and is fertilized is following vaccination to the uterus. Is a congenital defect in the absence of the tube, for example, or a sore earlier basins led to the blockage in the tube in whole or in part in one or two parties, inside or outside the tube to hinder natural egg and then arrive in time to the uterus for nesting a...

hormone (prolactin)

Milk or hormone (prolactin) Is the hormone secreted from a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland. Typically increases the secretion of this hormone gland naturally in pregnancy and childbirth When dealing with certain drugs, such as nausea and some medicines drugs gloom and antiepileptic medicines and psychosis. That increased prolactin secretion of a number of external stimuli such as stress, breastfeeding and sexual activity. In women, the breast tissue to prolactin. Prolactin has the effect of stimulating the chest for milk production in late pregnancy and lactation milk production, the independent. There are other hormones have the same influence on the chest like oestrogen What controls the production of prolactin? Neurotransmitter substance called dobamina controls the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. Dopamine has the effect of preventing prolactin secretion by the pituitary gland. There are also other factors can stimulate...

5 Guidelines to Sleek Sunburn

5 Guidelines to Sleek Sunburn  1/Go within immediately. Take a bath in amazing water if appropriate. By doing this, your warm variety will decrease, and you are able to management the destruction. Do not use icy water or ice at this stage, otherwise you may not keep the extreme discomfort. You are plan to have some smooth therapy and ice is simply too hard. 20 moments is OK to first aid amazing water bath. If you are still in discomfort, you can take amazing water bath five times a day consequently. Again don't over do it. 2/Find a easy, loose-fitting slumberwear to lay down yourself effectively and progressively. An easy bed is also good to decrease the discomfort. If your arms and legs harm, you should keep them brought up. And a chilled, wet tea bag will help to decrease the discomfort of eye covers as well. If possible, find out a organic aloe-vera leaves or 100 % organic aloe-vera gel to put on your sun burnt off skin. Do it very effectively and effectively to snooth the...

For vaginal muscle spasm

For vaginal muscle spasm May be exposed to vaginal muscle spasm and therefore must be treated at a doctor of obstetrics and Gynecology so as not to complicate the problem and lead to divorce. The vagina has the muscles holding her post during the marital relationship, but in some cases may occur in these muscles spasm may lead to failure of the marital relationship at the beginning of the marriage, and the cramping is due some information and misconceptions when girls as well as some concerns that reach their hearing from friends or relatives since this situation produces a sense of fear and anxiety. Treatment is mainly by emphasizing that such cases are common among newly married girls and treatment must be under medical supervision and starts with some scientific facts about the female reproductive system, and how to perform some heuristic principles during the marital relationship but in advanced cases have a graduated dilators treatment under medical supervision ca...

Boxes Cancer and Its Symptoms

Boxes Cancer and Its Symptoms Every period a lot of women are scientifically determined as having breasts cancers and luckily achievements costs are enhancing. Indeed, one aspect that has improved the likelihood of breasts cancers achievements is appropriate to the point that woman who check out their GP immediately upon finding something during a routine breasts assessment will usually acquire a immediate research and course of treatment. Doctors situation that tests conducted at house can make a important difference between living and moving away when it comes to breasts cancers. Every woman should give herself an evaluation each 1 month and with that in ideas, here's some main information on how to offer yourself a breasts evaluation and some background on the common caution signs of breasts cancers. How to perform a breasts assessment on yourself First aspects first; take a place at the front part of a expression and take a look at your breasts. They should appear t...


Buttocks What is tkeberalardav? The most common type of modified buttocks injection is "tail lift" this procedure also called fat and fat transfer. Usually consisting of suction and coordinating fat around the hips and inject a lot of fat in the rear. Is liposuction patient's buttocks, abdomen or elsewhere, is processed and purified before being injected. Depending on the amount of the increase, the patient may need to undergo a large number of injections that are in different locations and depths of the buttocks. Dr. Kim I use liposuction to remove unwanted fat from the arms, hips, thighs or abdomen. And then the fat was removed strategically in different parts of the buttocks to create a rounder, more specifically. It is important to note that potential patients must have some pockets of fat somewhere on the body that the doctor can use for this purpose. And surprised many of his patients natural-looking results enhance their appearance both in...

Chests Melanoma Interest - Why and How to Promote?

Chests Melanoma Interest - Why and How to Promote? October is Chests Melanoma Interest Month. This is a enthusiastic and efficient idea in contemporary group. It's important to be aware of Chests Melanoma and to highlight others to take avoidance activities against it by studying about threats and regularly getting yearly assessments, You should understand that there are a lot of women in US and many more in world that are not completely recommended and may not have access to beginning identification and servicing. Light red ribbons, control control buttons, clothing and other big items, have been used for getting people involved and experienced. Such items are very important, as they keep Chests Melanoma in the top side of every person's ideas. There are many such items available for buy, but with drop here and winter period time coming up, it might be useful - both for attention and for the water - to consider Chests Melanoma Interest umbrellas for the long run rainy in...

Diabetes foot care

     Diabetes foot care  Examine you every day.  And have your doctor analyze you during every visit Check your footwear for any loose objects or difficult sides before you put them on Look at feet good care as part of yourself.  Soon it will become as automatic as cleaning your teeth. Don't use herbal solutions to treat feet issues. House solutions can hurt you. Over-the-counter medicine designed to remove calluses could contain chemicals that could burn your skin. Also, trying to cut ingrown toenails or calluses yourself could lead to infections. Get early treatment for any feet problem, even a minimal one.

sleep little

sleep little not  good  Increased appetite among men and prevent women from feeling of fullness after eating a hearty meal. Participated in the study, about 27 of healthy volunteers, researchers found that restricted sleep is affected by ratios of various hormones in men compared to women. Scientists believe sleep deprivation may lead to obesity in the long term because it increases the number of calories eaten the next day. Restricted sleep affects human health. Participants with normal weight were limited effects and affect hormones that regulate eating differently in men and women. Lack of sleep on glucose, insulin and sexual differences in ghrelin hormone that helps to stimulate hunger and satiety hormone. The medical research team to measure hormone levels in the blood of volunteers after sleeping for 4-8 hours. The results showed that sleep for short periods of increased levels of the hormone ghrelin in men and reduced satiety hormone le...

A breast cancer partner needs to also focus on themselves.

A breast cancer partner needs to also focus on themselves... It's easy to be overwhelmed by the demands of caring for a partner or wife with breast cancer. You don't want to stop feeling like a husband or partner, but at the same time, you don't want to let yourself become resentful. There's not always a medal or a thank you at the end of the day, and if you don't take care of yourself, you might just burn out or lash out when you don't actually want to. There are a few ways that will make sure that you're able to keep your cool and be the best breast cancer husband you can be. 1. Get organized over the next few months Once your wife's breast cancer is diagnosed, the first thing that you'll want to have is a bird's eye view of the next few months. Make sure you know if there are any clashes coming up. Take a calendar, and write down the dates of any surgery, if you know the dates of the chemotherapy or radiation, write those ...

wedding day

Wedding day A busy day and full of tasks and things to do for the bride a few hours before her wedding, the bride usually anxious and nervous and tense, which makes them forget to eat or eat foods that cause stomach and intestinal problems, what foods you should avoid the bride on her wedding day? 1. starches Avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, pasta, and corn at least one day in advance of your wedding day, because it causes a sense of fullness and abdominal bloating. 2. soda and soft drinks Away from the known damage to the soda and soft drinks, the drinks cause a disturbing sense of flatulence, in addition to those drinks cause frequent need to go to the bathroom. 3. caffeine Stay away from drinks that contain caffeine before your wedding day, especially tea and coffee, and eat instead of water or fresh juices that supply your body with the necessary nutrients needed by that day, it gives your skin sparkle and freshness ne...

Seven Ways to Improve Your Smile

Seven Ways to Improve Your Smile A outstanding grin outcomes in outstanding self-confidence. Whether you are preparing for a first time frame or job conference, a awesome grin allows others to comprehend you as type, awesome and efficient. Here are a few guidelines to boost your grin. Eat Milk products Products and Greens Getting enough calcium nutrient mineral and Complement D in your diet is important to maintain healthy and balanced tooth and cuboid tissue. Both are regular in dairy such as milk, milk items and natural. If you do not appreciate milk items, natural fresh vegetables are an outstanding substitute. Dark vegetables like natural green spinach, him and chard are also good sources of both calcium nutrient mineral and Complement D. Use A lot of Floss When you get flossing, make sure that you have at least one inches wide of get flossing protected around each useful. If you do, the get flossing should stay on your convenience while you get flossing in between each...

For the teeth of the mind

For the teeth of the mind Study finds link between mandibular anesthesia and lack of teeth buds of the mind, where researchers found that giving anesthesia to the teeth of young children may prevent development of the wisdom tooth. The study involved 220 children have been treated in dental clinic and aged between 2 and 6 years where their teeth x-ray pictures taken after three or more years of therapy for the first time in the clinic. The researchers found that those who received dental anesthesia in the lower jaw, more than four times more likely to lose wisdom tooth growth with those who had not received their teeth ". The researchers said a wisdom tooth was significantly higher in the group that received the anesthesia in dentistry; statistical evidence indicates that this did not happen by chance alone. The problem with wisdom teeth for 9 of 10 people is that they affect the growth of teeth which do not grow properly and this can lead to pain and dis...


N ail-biting That mental disorder is OCD Biting your nails to become under the obsessive compulsive disorder which falls under it also the other types of  addiction, such as frequent hand washing and hair pulling. Nail Biting is a common habit in children and adults. ing in childhood and adolescence. It is also a reflection of an inability to handle stress. It may results in the destruction of one's own fingernails and often the skin around the nails and cuticles. It also refers as impulse control disorder usually occur Bad Habit to Quit for A Healthy Living This habit of using your teeth to cut your nails, just for time pass or due to extreme nervousness, can cause germ entry into your body. Dr. Sunsesara says – your hands are constant travelers, they pick several things throughout the day, and then taking these nasty, germ-filled fingers into your mouth can make you bed-ridden for days, due to cold or flu. So, stop this dirty habit right away. ...

Beauty Tips - Oily Skin

Beauty Tips - Oily Skin Do you have a part of oil recognized on your encounter a short while after you have cleaned you your face? If yes, it means that you most probably have greasy skin. Oily skin is caused by sweating glandular producing too much oil, therefore producing dense oil places on the encounter. Oily skin occurs most frequently on people in the teenage age due to changes in change. It can cause excellent pain and hassle due to bright places recognized on the encounter and frequent cleaning and washing of the encounter. As a result, people who encounter greasy problem never fail to take action to it. There are several causes of greasy skin such as diet program, got genes and unsuitable cosmetics. Oily skin outcomes in unwanted experience problems such as acnes and acne. However, there are a lot of treatments for bright skin. Diet, got genes and unsuitable cosmetics can cause greasy skin. An dangerous diet program that includes the intake of too much greasy and dan...

How to Prevent Wedding Economical debt Problems

How to Prevent Wedding Economical debt Problems According to recent reviews, the average several usually spends $29,583 to have a relationship in North america. With such a higher cost tag for wedding it's no wonder so many partners begin the new lifestyles off with a lack of economic balance. With financial issues being one of the top causes of divorce, this can put needless stress on a new relationship. With that in mind is the perfect wedding really value starting your new lifestyles together with a hill of debt or is wedding debt getting in the way of married bliss? If you're involved that the great cost tag for the wedding will lead to financial issues during the first several weeks of your marriage, you should consider if a relationship is really value a long-term financial pressure. Battling over financial issues can magic problems for a new marriage, so why put yourself into that kind of position as a new couple? If the wedding is not value it, you need to take ...

Well-known Wedding Day Hair-styles For The New new bride To Be

Well-known Wedding Day Hair-styles For The New new bride To Be If your exclusive day is coming up you've probably got a go finish of aspects that need to be done. Everything from offering and music to where the guests will be sitting is probably getting over during rest limited nights! Of course, the one personal you should be working on the most is you (and you probably haven't ignored about the clothing, your makeup or your hair!). There are so many well-known marriage hair-styles that it can be difficult to select between them. From the traditional fashionable look to a more natural and familiar style, it's probably best to have a few ideas when you first start working with your beauty consultant to get prepared for the big day but this main path should be a lot of help. For Lengthy Hair If you normally use long locks or are improving it out for the big day, there are a few different designs you can select from. Lengthy locks reveals quite versatile and you sho...

information & secres

Information and secrets Is there a problem if the menstrual cycle for one month for example? No problem and no regularity in the session and non-disturbing something normal start and da Bacon as a result of psychological pressure and substantial increase or decrease in weight and exercise hard and tiring or fatigue as possible takes course session could be delayed menstrual bleeding offer essential for conception and for the period between each session and the second from 21 to 35 days, but if this increased duration and astmertakhrha for more than a month, please consult the physician.  Are you bleeding means not pregnant??? Is not a requirement. Some women can suffer from bleeding in the first months of her pregnancy and s bitzamn with it some other symptoms of pregnancy, such as fatigue and nausea if just to check if the bleeding continues its continuation as regular session earlier, this means that pregnancy and if so do home pregnancy test and keep up with the physici...