Infertility treatment
Try to find the cause of the problem and treatment of treatment can be summarized as follows:
1-increasing the quantity and quality of sperm specific instructions.
A.. the way through changes in life habits.
-Away from cigarettes.
-Stay away from drinking alcohol in large quantities.
-Away from high heat sources.
-Don't wear tight underwear.
B. changing environment:
-Non-chemical exposure of workers in factories.
-Stop all medicines that affect the sperm.
2.-to promote and work on improving sperm production plants:
A-medical treatment:
* Use of hormone therapy in different sperm samples, Tamoxifene, androgens, is trying to increase the amount of clomiphene
Bromocriptine, GnRH, GnRH Gonadotrophins and except for very limited success of these medications, Gonadotrophins gonad Hypogonadism, as well as others, in some cases, it gives better results. Tamoxifene therapy may work in some cases.
* Other treatments:
-Zinc, Phosphodiesterose, kallikrein inhibitors are limited, for example use of Pentoxifylline in a bid to increase sperm motility and response to treatment varies from person to person.
-The reproductive system of antibiotics in chronic infections.
-Vital treatments in the reproductive system of chronic infections.
-Vitamins, such as any of the other treatments do not show encouraging results.
B-surgical treatment:
Behavior of varicocele repair (varicocele), varicose veins in the testis and sperm from high fertility rates and improve the quality of people, and many men is how successful the varicocele varicocele in itself is not a reason for surgical intervention there is still some work to do, and some of the search of any positive results and did not dare revealed encouraging results.
3-repairing roads and reach the ovum and sperm:
-The time of diagnosis and early surgical intervention because over time the results were good sperm antibodies congestion affects happens to them not to repair the spermatic cord in the wake wake anastomosis.
-Fix blockage the epididymis is guard his drains anastomosis obstruction caused by congenital or infections.
-One by one the manufacture and use of vesicles, such as lack of spermatic cord, in some cases, to collect the sperm.
--Mesa or PESA, Tese-testicular epididymal sperm in the withdrawal process and explain later, such as eggs.
4-erectile dysfunction treatment when the cause of infertility:
A-medical treatment:
-Prostaglandins, such as with some materials injected into the penis.
--In this case, when the hormone prolactin erection problems bromocriptine because of lower level.
-Testosterone androgens in hormone deficiencies.
-Erectile dysfunction such as diabetes and thyroid disease, medical treatment of diseases caused by epilepsy.
B-surgical treatment:
* Vascular Surgery of the penis in the arteries of patients with diabetes or who smoke in case of a failure to increase the amount of blood flow to the penis.
* Use for erectile dysfunction:
For example-your space.
-Place the penis in a plastic rod.
-Ejector to supply sperm and localized to the nerves responsible for ejaculation and increase the frequency of electricity you want to get the semen used for the artificial insemination procedure, or injection into the womb or in vitro fertilization egg small injection molding process.
When one of the causes of erectile dysfunction.
5.-problems of ejaculation:
A-in cases of premature ejaculation.
B-as well as power management issues that do not cause Balqazv.
C-may also cause reverse address issues of defamation, such as:
-Try to change discharge using drugs, Alpha imitators agents.
-Preparation of urine after injection of sperm in the laboratory use.
-Pitcher on the source of the sperm.
-Surgery to repair the defect back to dump valve to prevent