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Showing posts from July 15, 2013

Honey bee

Honey bee The honey bees are an important source of energy supply, one tablespoon of 17 grams of dextrin, 64 calories, because it consists of 17%, 40%, 30% fructose dextrose, 3% sucrose. Works on honeycomb Refresh your body, reduces the feeling of fatigue Treatment Sore throat and laryngitis Directed by phlegm Ltaeam wounds and burns A natural antibiotic. "Badran that" honey contains a "hydrogen peroxide" that stops the growth of microbes, and the article "aldivinsine" which is a crane and acts as an antibiotic. Honey is a natural preservative is added to some foods and baked goods, as well as prevent constipation but also reduces the diarrhea caused by inflammation of the stomach and small intestine is about 30%. Contains many mineral salts important for the human body and are as follows: -Iron, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. -Vitamin B1 "which keeps the appetite and the ef...

The ring:

The ring: Benefits of fenugreek Found 300 kinds of wild arena, grows mostly in India and Pakistan, largely farmers know, Sam, either a good arena for human use is one type grown in Central Europe and Egypt, Marrakech. And utilized on drinking or add grounded for some drinks. In medicine Fenugreek is rich in protein and phosphorus and starchy materials and are similar in that cod liver oil for use in arena Lubricate the throat and chest The abdomen And relieve coughs and roughness and asthma Dyspnoea The wind Phlegm Hemorrhoids Bowel disorders And relieve alraetinblgham viscous, and analyse the chest Either recognize the ring it helps in slimming weight loss Either the green ring has the reverse effect of any increase in weight. Recipe for weight loss Boil a cup of water then add the amount 3 grams of powdered fenugreek leaves and boil for one minute and then filtered and sweetened with honey and drink three times a day and continue in use...

Health Hair

Summer months Locks Proper care Guidelines and Advice to Keep Your Locks Healthy All Summer months Long Summer is formal here and warmer weather causes hair to become more dry and more weak with increased split ends and itchier head. Women, men and children with distinctive (wavy, wavy, coiled, dense or course hair) and chemical prepared hair (perms, relaxers, color-treated, keratin-treated) are especially pushed, as often the very hair shampoos and hair conditioners they used actually give rise to dry skin and boring looking hair. The key is to find a range of top drawer hair maintenance systems that hydrates and conditions the hair without with a weight of it down, that's focused so you only have to use smaller quantities and that's reasonably priced. Here are summer hair care ways to help generate more moisture, hair conditioners, vitamins and protection from the sun. Dry/Brittle Locks  From substances such as shade, lighten, swimming pool water or salt hyd...

Carrots ( Daucus Carota )

Carrots ( Daucus Carota ) • Water        • Oils • Fat • Sugar • Mineral salts such as: sulfur, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron. • Vitamins (D, C, B, A, E, PP) Uses and benefits of the Islands: 1. d-t, juice treats dropsy, swelling, water body, it also deals with chronic kidney disease and bladder problems, crumbling sand and gravel. 2. dealing with gout. 3. address the puff, expels flatus, stops diarrhoea, mocker,  and prevents stomach acidity. 4. dealing with Vitiligo. 5. carrot seed handling the psychiatric and tension and ill temper. 6. dealing with allergies and urticaria and eczema, acne and dealt with. 7. carrot seed stimulates liver and prevents alrikan. 8. increase the level of potassium in the blood, used with diuretics that reduce the level of calcium in the blood, leading to psychological and health problems such as poor mood. 9. the seed addresses diseases of the chest and cough. ...