Honey bee The honey bees are an important source of energy supply, one tablespoon of 17 grams of dextrin, 64 calories, because it consists of 17%, 40%, 30% fructose dextrose, 3% sucrose. Works on honeycomb Refresh your body, reduces the feeling of fatigue Treatment Sore throat and laryngitis Directed by phlegm Ltaeam wounds and burns A natural antibiotic. "Badran that" honey contains a "hydrogen peroxide" that stops the growth of microbes, and the article "aldivinsine" which is a crane and acts as an antibiotic. Honey is a natural preservative is added to some foods and baked goods, as well as prevent constipation but also reduces the diarrhea caused by inflammation of the stomach and small intestine is about 30%. Contains many mineral salts important for the human body and are as follows: -Iron, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. -Vitamin B1 "which keeps the appetite and the ef...