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Showing posts from November 4, 2013

improve memory

What are the ways to improve memory Seven ways to boost your memory Do you forget most often? Put your car keys? And sometimes your glasses while on your head? You can bet that you are not the only human attitudes, nerve cells in the brain start dissolution – like most cells of the body, between the age of 25 and 49-and thus undo memory. At this stage, no medicine, no solutions to stop this progressive decline in memory skills. But there are ways to be used for compensation and mitigation, such as remembering your love I, for example, or the date of your wedding, birthday or even what had for lunch yesterday? -Food memory Published journal of Neurosciences "neuroscience" a study revealed that the lab rat fed Strawberry (Strawberry) fruit and vegetables spinach showed better memory than those that have been feeding her regular food, because of the richness of those articles with antioxidants that eliminate free radicals Free Radicals respons...