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improve memory

What are the ways to improve memory

Seven ways to boost your memory

Do you forget most often?
Put your car keys? And sometimes your glasses while on your head?
You can bet that you are not the only human attitudes, nerve cells in the brain start dissolution – like most cells of the body, between the age of 25 and 49-and thus undo memory.
At this stage, no medicine, no solutions to stop this progressive decline in memory skills.
But there are ways to be used for compensation and mitigation, such as remembering your love I, for example, or the date of your wedding, birthday or even what had for lunch yesterday?

-Food memory

Published journal of Neurosciences "neuroscience" a study revealed that the lab rat fed Strawberry (Strawberry) fruit and vegetables spinach showed better memory than those that have been feeding her regular food, because of the richness of those articles with antioxidants that eliminate free radicals Free Radicals responsible for the degeneration of brain cells and other cells.
In other research showing that some vitamins and minerals improves memory. If you need vitamins B, C, E and calcium metals walbitakarotin walmaniziom, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese walkroniom, provided by a serving of salad contains lettuce, carrots, chickpeas, beans, broccoli, chicken, tuna.

-Olive oil

You only get the pure olive oil is mzghol. The study by Dr. Antonio kaborso of the University of Bari in Italy – also rich olive – to the extent that the elderly consume monounsaturated fat, the secret of memory loss associated with aging. Because the acids unsaturated fat sustains health structure of cell membranes in the brain. If you don't like the olive oil you can find this fat in the egg, chicken, nuts and fish.

-Not for intensive training courses

Not to mention the fatigue caused by, another reason not to follow such courses, you won't remember anything because download mind over its capacity for absorption.
Even though the session was limited to golf or playing guitar, must not contain more than one subject in one serving. The hoboken University researchers in Baltimore to measure blood flow in the brain when 16 people, concluded that when you learn two different articles in one serving, the probability is too big to forget the first topic, so better take one lesson during a routine activity lasts four or five hours of diversification of subjects and delve into several topics at one time.

-You vitamin A

A study published in the journal Neuron that vitamin A plays a key role in the growth and preservation of memory and learning functions in the brain.
Find this vitamin in milk, cheese, fish, eggs, tomatoes, carrots and peppers.
The same research also showed that for vitamin B in grains such as peas, beans, wheat, vegetables and chicken livers

Two studies published by the magazine Nature reported the Neurosciences to jogging and exposure to exciting and diverse incentives, stimulate the growth of new cells in the brain and they lengthen the duration of her life, especially in the part of the brain known as the Hippocampus balaybokambos. If not, devote half an hour of your time to this activity.

7. one nostril breathing

On one of your nostrils with your finger and breathe from one nostril and take at least eight deep breaths, then repeat again with the other nostril. It's a way to remember something, and if the ball is not failed and only thought of your people.

Why do this exercise?
The brain works according to the time rate of ninety minutes, dominating the right pane to the left pane followed by activity for 90 minutes.
This is confirmed by Professor William that the author of "stop loss" is that this type of exercise would alter this pattern in the brain. Because partial brain store different information, it is possible that the information you forgot in the unmanaged part which is in the period of rest. So help your workout to switch formula and find the idea of lost.

Bet on memory

One scientist says: "life is impossible if we remember everything. The important thing is that we know what we have forgotten. "The ideal situation is to remember the history of important date or content pages that her couplings, for example, the exclusion of bad memories and disturbing details get this back sometimes on ill-timed
... But how?
Today, thanks to a lot of ongoing research in the field of biology, psychology and neuroscience, we know that memory does not occupy a specific region of the brain, which is the "Center of memory" (as for the conceptual Center, region, language, etc..) But many parts of it, but some areas of the brain that are essential to the process is essential to link the process of remembering, particularly the front area
Three levels of memory
Memory that can be described in simplified form as "function that allows to record, store and retrieve information" is divided into three levels:

· The first level is the immediate memory:

Prolong the direct stimulation of the nerve. Instant memory is a kind of echo of what has already been seen, heard, felt, etc. You can, for example, we can continue to talk and share, also printed pictures in our imagination or pick up the tune or the smell of perfume. It works for a few seconds and store information
· Short-term memory:
A memory of events last for a period ranging from a few hours to one day. It's active and accurate but sensitive allows us to manage our daily save a phone number list


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