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Showing posts from October 9, 2013

skin care

How to keep you skin soft Water    Getting your eight glasses a day means skin stays supple rather than looking (and feeling) tight and dry. Water also helps to flush toxins out of your system, which further helps to keep skin looking its best -- on a budget! If you don't love plain old H2O, spice up you're sipping. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime, toss in some sliced cucumbers (oh-so-refreshing) or even some frozen berries. The subtle twist of flavor will make it easier to drink more water, rather than relying on juice or soda. Get more sleep They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. Getting enough sleep (aim for seven to eight hours) lets your body repair itself and helps ensure you not only feel -- but look well-rested, bright and refreshed without having to rely on a makeup bag full of products. Skimping on sleep can mean dark under-eye circles, puffy eyes, sallow skin and even breakouts. If you're having trouble sleeping, avoid caffeine in the ev...

Symptoms of breast cancer

Symptoms of breast cance r Breast cancer  is the most common malignant disease in women, and still causes this disease is not accurately known. Factors raise the degree of risk: There are factors that increase the risk of exposure to this disease, which in detail: - Age: exceed the risk of this disease, the more the age of the woman, and there are about 77% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed after the age of 55 years, while this figure is only 18% among women in the forties of the ages. -  Genetic factors:  Statistics indicate that the proportion of 5 - 10% of breast cancer cases have causes hereditary, specifically distortions in the work of genes like a normal BRCA2, BRCA1 note that these genes carried by men and women are equal, so can inherit through the parent. And not necessarily be infected women bearing rate of breast cancer genes because there are other factors that help the emergence of cancer. If genetic testing positive in the sense (and a genetic de...

Recipe & dark spots

 Lemon/Lime Juice & dark spots Over- secretion of melanin is known to cause dark spots or pigmentation.   Some of the causes of this type of condition include:   hormone imbalance, pregnancy, menopause, intake of certain medications, vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, intestinal disorders and stress.   Severe dark spots all over the body need to be appropriately diagnosed by a doctor, as there could be underlying problems. Many of the bleaching products that are available at medical stores and chemist shops contain bleach mixed with lubricating cream.   In the end this may prove harmful to your skin.   On the other hand, there are several home remedies that can (over time) achieve the same effect as those that can be found in the pharmacy.   A few years ago, my aunt managed to fade the black spots on her elbow and knees, which were caused by friction from exercise and resting her elbows on a desk for years.  She got rid of them by...

Eye Wrinkle

How To Avoid Getting Eye Wrinkle In today’s day and age many people are worried about how to keep up their appearance as they get older without getting crows feet and lines on your face. Wrinkles are a fact of life, but there are ways to try and prevent them without going through expensive botox operations. Here are a few: 1. Use sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential if you want to keep away those wrinkles. However the trick that most people don’t know is that even on cloudy days you have to use it because the radiation can get through the clouds. Also reapply the sunscreen every two hours so that it doesn’t get washed away in your sweat. 2. Wash your face: Part of the trick to keeping away wrinkles is to not let your skin get so dry. Dry skin is one of the leading causes of wrinkles, so you want to wash your face several times during the day. However, you don’t want to wash away the protective layer of oils that cover your face. 3. Humidifying:  Every man and woman...

Older and prevent facial lines

older and prevent facial lines Products are high quality. In order to successfully fight the effects of getting older and prevent facial lines, you need to rely on the unique Healthier epidermis medical wellness care quit getting older therapy quit anti- getting older therapy cream comes in many shapes and remedies, but not all epidermis medical wellness care therapy power of organic products. This is the only way to give your epidermis the advantage it needs without revealing it to harsh ingredients and preservatives. Effective epidermis quit anti- getting older therapy cream and creams must address the three primary causes of age related damage. These include the loss of bovine bovine collagen and elastin, destruction of level of acidity hyaluronic and develop up of toxins. Without properly treating these underlying causes, it will be impossible to have positive, lasting results. Anything less is just a surface fix that will quickly fade. As we age, our organic suppl...


smoking   smoking What is the advantage of Quit Smoking? Public health Not a  heart disease  and circulatory system and that smoking caused Transmission With the passage of time allows Petrsp massive amounts of carcinogens in the mouth, throat and lungs. Diseases are caused by smoking of the biggest causes of death in the world at the present time, Narrowing of the blood vessels,  Lung Cancer  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And trying a lot of governments to prevent people from smoking through campaigns anti-smoking published in various media, which shed light on the harmful effects of smoking in the long run. And longer passive smoking or smoking sub - which affects people who are in the surrounding area with smokers - the main reason for the imposition of laws smoking ban. This law has been imposed in order to prevent people from smoking in public enclosed spaces such as bars and restaurants. The idea behind this law...

Natural breast

Effective and natural ways to increase breast size Many women choose to enhance breast size using natural techniques.  With non-surgical methods to improve the size of the Cup, you can avoid the complications and health risks.  Fortunately, there are many foods and herbs and exercises that can help you get bigger breast while maintaining your health. 1. improve your hormone levels through estrogen-rich foods on a regular basis. You should keep in mind that hormonal imbalance has an effect on breast size.  When there is an increase in the production of male hormones in the body, and this could hinder the growth of the breast.  However, you can avoid this by keeping adequate levels in the body and natural testosterone.  You should consider reducing the calories and foods rich in carbohydrates and loading up on fruits and vegetables and whole grains. 2. include herbs in your diet. It is known that some of the weed incre...


France In Western Europe and the Mediterranean in bettal South and North Sea and the English channel in the North, and from the Rhine River in the East to alatalanti Ocean in the West. France becomes the border with Belgium, de: luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. France was one of the greatest colonial powers in the world of the first century als batashar and up to altsatashr century and built for itself at one of the largest Empires in West Africa and Southeast Asia and a very large effect on the Sabit culture of peoples who occupied it. France now secular and democratic State presidential and its economy the sixth largest economy in the world and bizorha in one year 82 million Sayeh and students from all over the world and for the high level of education in their universities and States who founded the European Union.  France  nucl...

Lose excess weight

Lose excess weight Lose excess weight Excess weight loss journey, and our permanent pursue effective ways at the same time fast, we rely on the experience of others in weight, "ask the fitter and don't ask a doctor," which drop us into trouble and health problems. Those roads and misconceptions affect our health may lead to opposite results, without know it beliefs inherited no scientific basis. In this spirit, we offer you the most common misconceptions in ways to lose weight: A harsh dieting "Crash Dieting" Common errors in weight loss programmes, harsh diet known as "Crash Dieting" quick but rigorous diet which does not exceed the number of calories available daily at the 500 calories!, as you gain weight fast diet. Despite the dazzling result that you get if you followed that diet, it unfortunately works to weaken the muscles what exposes you to osteoporosis, unlike the negative impact on cholesterol in the blood, which leads to a ...