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Showing posts from June 2, 2013


Warned of the German society for assisting older overlooked sense of declining eyesight in old age, asserting that the older you start to use Visual means to help as quickly as possible upon discovering their blue water, for example, can thus become self-reliant in dealing with their new life for longer. And the Assembly of the Cologne-based model of Visual quality assistance to the elderly to cope with the decline in their vision, it would be useful to use loupes hand when shopping, since these lenses to enlarge twice to ten times, and therefore fit the read posters, price. The Assembly should not suffer the older hands twitching so they use these lenses, but it is best to use magnifying glass with holder, which can be placed on the paper and move it, you can enlarge the size of the letters and numbers with the utmost simplicity by moving the lens ring. In order for older people with reduced eyesight relying on themselves and see things easily within the home, the Ass...

Food tips for seniors citizen

Food tips for seniors Get vitamins from vegetables better than tablets dietary supplement and healthy food plays an essential role in the prevention of elderly nutrition deficiency, and this requires that (the Jew) includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and fat-free dairy products, whole grains and legumes, with a focus on reducing the intake of salt. The dietitian Hans Helmut Martin, according to the island, although the older energy requirement decreases with age, their needs for nutrients remains the same, but the rates are increasing, because their bodies lose the ability to absorb certain types of vitamins and minerals. Martin said he is an expert in nutrition food consulting independent Union City Wittenberg-that does not mean that the elderly need to follow special diets or take dietary supplements, but they have only a healthy diet, insisted not taking supplements containing vitamins or minerals only after consulting your doctor or verify these shortag...


 The Coffee An Australian study revealed that eating large amounts of coffee may increase weight significantly even if removed from caffeine. Experts warned the study-by the British Daily Telegraph newspaper day-of eating five or more cups a day, increases the amount of fat stored in the abdomen, even in cases of moderate consumption of coffee drinking may lead to increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. The paper noted on its website that repeated in the past studies have shown that coffee has a moderate positive benefits to consumers, including reducing the risk of certain types of cancer and stroke. It in this new study, Australian scientists have attempted to analyse and explain how the ability of healthy ingredients contained in coffee syrup to improve cardiovascular function, found a component known as chlorogenic acid coffee has health benefits, such as reducing the likelihood of diabetes, lowering blood pressure and even fight against fat, the study also found th...

How to work with your child's desire to acquire mobile phone?

How to work with your child's desire to acquire mobile phone? Show the desire of the child to its own mobile phone at age 9 or 10, this desire while they wish with their peers, advised him with nowhere to go, and do not use it as a means of communication, and in high school, often appears a strong desire to own a mobile phone, which is not parents resisted. And in the meantime, parents are advised not to give the old models of mobile phones to children when you want to get rid of these devices, because new handsets that feature and value of "delightful" less than older models. As children, the vast majority of minor mobile phone with multimedia functions, children must not use the devices that enable them to access the Internet or interact with the data and files. Zinsh parents also need to know the correct way to use the device, as this ensures the child's ability to use the device in case of emergency, for example how the child can turn on or off functio...

Nightmares & kids

Two and a half to three years child begins to realize that his family will not be able to protect him from pain, disappointments and frustrations, and with time the child becomes more sensitive. The fears of the child varies by age, but it is normal in the process of growth and development and continue with it until adolescence. Nightmares when the child is normal, but if repeated too often, it is cause for concern, if a child's nightmares came, for example, three times a week or more, this is excessive, and may have a relationship with a real child's disorder or a sign that he is suffering from severe pressures. If the fears and nightmares the child interferes with daily activities such as going to school and play with his friends and worried all day, it might be better to go to a psychiatrist specializes in order to determine the origin of the problem and access to treatment, and useful tips for mothers in this context: • Allow him to speak with you about the n...

For alternative healing from breast cancer

Of breast tumors are not cancerous, but many side effects may lead to transformation of cells to malignant tumor. Today, many treatment methods, recovery from breast cancer is not impossible, especially if the disease is caught early, but can use alternative medicine in healing from breast cancer? Many studies and research in this regard, experience has shown that the effectiveness of alternative medicine in the prevention of breast cancer. This means that at the heart of medical treatment which seeks to fight the disease. These methods complement traditional therapy, lifestyle changes, change in diet, exercise, homeopathy, Homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Learn about some of them through the following report: Increase awareness of breast cancer and find various preventive medicines, "your life" to be among women seeking an alternative to the drug to prevent breast cancer. Alternative culture Look for treatments and regulations in other States...