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Showing posts from November 7, 2013


There is an old saying that an Apple a day keeps you the doctor permanently, although it seems naively this quote but Apple already has many health benefits, the most important of these benefits: 1. Apples contain dietary fiber which prevents intestinal disorders and help relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids, as well as to help purify the body from toxins and heavy metals such as lead and mercury. 2. Apples contain pectin substance which reduces the blood cholesterol level. 3. a study has shown that eating five apples a week to protect against respiratory diseases such as asthma. 4. Chinese medicine says that Apple strengthens heart muscle, moisturizes the lungs, reduces risk and increases body fluids. 5. one tablespoon daily of Apple Cider vinegar to prevent kidney stones. 6. eat an Apple a day protects against skin diseases. 7. There is a Brazilian study says that eating an Apple before a meal helps weight reduction. 8. the Apple one contain cal...