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Showing posts from February 20, 2013

women pregnant

Women pregnant Follow the simple tips below And everything will be fine, God willing ...-pregnancy test is seen as a confirmation of a pregnancy in the case of absence of the menstrual cycle-medical follow-up during pregnancy is essential, for the mother and the fetus, women should choose a doctor skilled psychological mechanism for the rest you can deal with it-is often unpleasant pregnancy symptoms in the first three months Pregnant women To deal with any medications without the prior consultation as it may harm the fetus. -Pregnant women must learn that exercise of housework will not damage or the foetus, but nevertheless take due diligence Do not carry heavy objects and does not click able efforts and capacity. -Pregnant women suffer from unstable mental state, but should not worry about this because it is a natural result of changing hormonal changes, we must move away from the rack as much as possible about grief and tension. -For sport during pre...

Nail treatment

Nail treatment Of the three problems that plagued them the girl, their causes and methods of treatment are as follows -Yellowing of the nails Often the main cause of this problem is the continued use of Nail Polish without the opportunity for ventilation and treatment of that problem is by avoiding the use of the new paint after removing old and need to leave the nail between the two long enough for ventilation. Rub nail half a lemon and a second time with lemon peel and knead this yellowing is often the result of cigarette smoke. To strengthen the nails: Castor oil is used as a painting a day before bed, or use castor oil and olive oil together on the nails before bed -Aliasing The incidence of anemia is one of the most important reasons why we recommend nails meanders girl image analysis whole blood to make sure there is no shortage of metal body and treated if found to eliminate that problem, either in the absence of anemia, it is often the cause o...

The age of menopause.

The age of menopause. Symptoms and signs of physical and psychological The age of menopause (menopause) Menopause, that interruption of menstruation and the end Fertility and reproduction, due to stop development of the follicles in ovarian Follicle. Permanent and natural menopause (not caused by disease) is a process Biological naturalism, spoke to women between the ages of 45 to 55 years old and had registered cases Women reached the age of menopause at an earlier age (35 years), or later (60 Amenorrhea causes permanent There are several reasons lead to permanent amenorrhea: The low level of female hormones: When women reach the end of the thirties, decreased production of ovaries Of reproductive hormones Estrogen and progesterone estrogen Progesterone:. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle. At the end of the 1930s Egg production begins to decrease gradually. The hormone secretion Progesterone after ovulation is dropping...

Viruses strict food

Viruses strict food With the growing social pressures on girls to demonstrate best and least weight possible, many girls and women also follow strict food and random fevers, but everything has a price, and this time the girls pay price for fertility fitness! This absence of PMS known medically as amenorrhea is classified into two types: Menstrual interruption, Indicates no monthly cycle until the age of 16 years. And disruption of the menstrual cycle. While secondary menstrual disruption when facing Normal menses earlier, but for a period ranging from three to six months or more. Everything from stress to drugs to tumors of the pituitary gland can lead to interruption of the secondary cycle, but if after starting the session follow strict weight loss plan, it might be diet and/or excessive physical exercise Stop menstrual cycle He says a doctor endocrinologist and infertility health life styles must know that every food health benefit, the problem i...