Women pregnant
Follow the simple tips below
And everything will be fine, God willing ...-pregnancy test is seen as a confirmation of a pregnancy in the case of absence of the menstrual cycle-medical follow-up during pregnancy is essential, for the mother and the fetus, women should choose a doctor skilled psychological mechanism for the rest you can deal with it-is often unpleasant pregnancy symptoms in the first three months
Pregnant women
To deal with any medications without the prior consultation as it may harm the fetus.
-Pregnant women must learn that exercise of housework will not damage or the foetus, but nevertheless take due diligence
Do not carry heavy objects and does not click able efforts and capacity.
-Pregnant women suffer from unstable mental state, but should not worry about this because it is a natural result of changing hormonal changes, we must move away from the rack as much as possible about grief and tension.
-For sport during pregnancy benefits as lower back pain and constipation, and facilitate the process of birth, but women should avoid violent sports
on a daily basis and regularly for 30 minutes
Swimming is also useful
For pregnant women, but stay away from swimming in moving water and waves it for damage, and to refrain from diving throughout pregnancy.
Pregnant women should wear comfortable clothes is not a requirement to be loose
For shoes
They must choose from low and refrain from wearing high heels.
-Pregnant women should avoid as much as possible about the emotion it has access to all aspiring machine quietly and Troy