Expectations Pregnancy Material: there is a new and unexpected life in the first week of the month and you don't want her financial burdens, looking for extra income to avoid it and stay away from whatever the temptations, adventure and mystery in the work considered so as not to endanger the physical danger to your lucky number: 9 Professionally: you need to remove the negative effects of wrongful acts and the recent steps that you made without good study, use your intelligence and have experienced that you will find at the end of the third week, all indicators that takes your stresses change in difficult conditions where passed and new opportunities to enhance your career. Best day: Tuesday Emotionally: unmarried men: If you are born in the first decade (from 21 March 31) ripen your feelings and deepening and living with beloved and abiding love discover their mutual love and positives that reflect positively on the emotional relationship with the lover and maybe make it a...