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Showing posts from November 14, 2013

Anxiety in the elderly

Great old age passed by a beautiful rose ... After the moon has picked declined, saying: Satrkha until tender ... Maybe I realized the secret of life. These lines say that evolution is evident in the health and social awareness in ageing in General, and especially those in the advanced stages of age. Anxiety It is a psychological and physiological consists of combined elements of cognitive, physical, and behavioral. To create an unpleasant feeling usually associated with uneasiness, fear, or frequency. Anxiety is a common mood occur without identifiable effects stimulated. As such, the concern about fear, which occurs in a significant threat. In addition, the fear of specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result of an uncontrollable threats or cannot Studies indicate that up to 20% of the elderly may suffer from anxiety disorders to varying degrees, on how to deal with older people in situations of concern, It is a ...