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Showing posts from September 23, 2013


Breakfast Need for breakfast is that it creates body to accept the daily activity at work or learning a given body mobility and production as it stimulates the mind and helps to focus during the period of permanence through individual supply energy and calories. The neglect of the balanced breakfast at home increases the chances of the children processed and canned foods such as soft drinks, sweets and candies while in school as a brunch noting the importance of refraining from eating those foods because they contain very high amounts of fat and high calories leading to obesity and increase the chances of heart disease as a result of very high quantities of fats and high blood cholesterol. Dr. charity confirmed that eating foods containing wheat am is very useful for containing those foods to dietary fiber, scientific studies have demonstrated the importance of fiber for human body where the pious of cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer, it also regula...

Melt fat

Melt fat The human body without a scalpel, it seems like a dream in the process of investigation, some companies are finding ways to remove unwanted fat from the body without pain or side effects, without the need for surgery for liposuction. And are not approved any of the new methods, but its supporters are talking about dissolving fat cells using sound waves, or electricity, or injecting materials melt fat. But doctors warn that many of the allegations in the field of cosmetic surgery related to unsuccessful methods promoted because this area abounds with aspects of advertising. One way that began clinical trials, is the use of ultrasound. It uses many cosmetic surgeons soundwaves of high frequency, for cracking the fat cells and making it easier to suction. The companies say that if ultrasound is used correctly, it can break down fat cells, and then gradually absorbed by the body. Dr. Yoram Eichel of company «altrashabe» in Israel a new style 30 persons in Israel despite the...

Back Fat

You use your back muscles in almost everything you do–are you giving them enough attention? Building and maintaining strong back muscles can help relieve and prevent back pain, improve posture, and help you get that toned silhouette that looks fantastic in a sundress. We’ve covered shoulders and arms, now it’s time to get “back” into shape. 1. Plank-to-Row. Get into a pushup position with a weight in each hand (pick a dumbbell that fits your fitness level). Next, place all of your weight on your left arm, picking up your right arm to your side, holding the dumbbell. Keep your abs engaged the entire time, and make sure your hips are squared to the ground. Go for 10-12 reps before repeating on the other side. As you get stronger you can use heavier weights. 2. Inverted Modified Row.  You’ll need a secure bar that you can hang under from. With your feet on the ground, knees at 90 degrees and back straight, as shown. Keeping your core tight, pull up with your arms ...