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Showing posts from June 6, 2013

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds. Mine for minerals and energy Sesame The golden-colored sesame seeds are high sources of many natural minerals that the body needs, so it's worth looking at them. It is also rich in beneficial unsaturated vegetable oils as alternative sources for the fat substitute is eating saturated fat from animal sources. In the analysis, a quarter Cup of sesame seeds give human need daily of several nutrients in high ratios, providing about 75% copper, manganese, and 45 percent of tryptophan facilitating sleep and comfort in mind, and about 40 percent of elemental calcium, iron 35%, phosphorus 25% and 20% zinc and vitamin B1 as well as fiber. The amount of energy in this amount of sesame seeds up to 200 kcal, or four apples. Elements such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus and calcium are high relative amounts, rarely available in a natural food products like sesame seeds. Known as the role of metals in the activation of chemical reactions and facilitate access...

The When we drink the water?

When we drink the water? 1. start the day after vacuum stomach all night, drink a cup of water to wash the intestines are stomach and kidneys of impurities and concludes with sediment and sand, and liver of yellow, sort and prepare the stomach to digest breakfast. 2. drink water cold (moderate) an hour before meals, after meals two hours so as not to offend the digestive juices work and reduces the efficiency of its work. 4. drink a glass of water cold with dry food, such as bread and meat for easy digestion. 5. drink water cool after exertion such as sports or walking, but after taking a rest and quietly and steeply. 6. drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. 7. when adopting a diet slim. 8. milk and breastfeeding for rehydration in the mother's body. 9. when feeling the heat in the atmosphere. 10. pregnant women. 11. before bed. Try to make the water usually: 1-Cup when you wake up. 2-cups with each meal. 3-cup after an...

Moringa tea

Introduction Hundreds of recipes for dozens of diseases and health troubles you find in this book, which combines recent discoveries in the world of herbs and plants. And popular recipes tested in different States. And stimulating healing foods. And useful health guidelines.It is your window on the ways of medication of all is normal, and what more we need to adhere to what is normal in an era where the pollutants and chemicals hemmed us in extensive damage from each side. There is now more like a revolution in the treatment or the role of the individual in hydrotherapy (Kingston upon Hull) and health woes after increased interest in the use of herbs and medicinal plants and uncovering their therapeutic properties. And it has become possible to prepare individual "simplified pharmacy" in the home or garden to use as natural drugs when needed. In addition to the use of medicinal herbs, which increased demand for production and use of its high safety degree of chemical...