When we drink the water?
1. start the day after vacuum stomach all night, drink a cup of water to wash the intestines are stomach and kidneys of impurities and concludes with sediment and sand, and liver of yellow, sort and prepare the stomach to digest breakfast.
2. drink water cold (moderate) an hour before meals, after meals two hours so as not to offend the digestive juices work and reduces the efficiency of its work.
4. drink a glass of water cold with dry food, such as bread and meat for easy digestion.
5. drink water cool after exertion such as sports or walking, but after taking a rest and quietly and steeply.
6. drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
7. when adopting a diet slim.
8. milk and breastfeeding for rehydration in the mother's body.
9. when feeling the heat in the atmosphere.
10. pregnant women.
11. before bed.
Try to make the water usually:
1-Cup when you wake up.
2-cups with each meal.
3-cup after an hour or two of each meal.
4-cup before bedtime.
Total = 8 glasses a day.
1. usually drink ice water feeling free time can lead to inflammation of the lining of the stomach and the stomach and sore throat.
2. older persons do not feel thirsty even though their body of water need to be to make drinking water is usually too small to adulthood.
3. drink ice water during meals affect digestion and inhibits gastric secretions and retards digestion.
4. drink lots of water during meals delayed digestion and leads to a sense of gravity and gases.
5. many drinking water in case of obesity slows digestion leads to turning food into fat layers instead of combustion to give vigour and energy for the body