Plant garlic A scientific study by three researchers Egyptian animal health Research Institute, Faculty of Sciences, Assiut University, some medicinal effect discouraging fungus dermatophytes that infect humans, animals and the «traikoviton mntagrovates» and «robrim» and «traikoviton traikoviton sodanis» and «mikrosborim», «cannes mikrosborim gibsim» isolated from sheep infected balkraa. Used in this study the effect of garlic plant aqueous solution the concentration of 2.5%, 5%, 10% added to cultivar food «alsabarod», agar and dextrose may also plant henna as a different betracz powder 2.5%, 5%, 10% in addition to the aforementioned food, cultivar and crushed grain rates of 2.5%, 5%, 10% added to cultivar food sabarod dextrose may agar/finally use a mixture of the three articles in equal proportion to the concentration of total 10% to the same food Center, have had their impact on these fungi The former. The study said the researchers: friend Gerry friend, Hussein A...