Plant garlic
A scientific study by three researchers Egyptian animal health Research Institute, Faculty of Sciences, Assiut University, some medicinal effect discouraging fungus dermatophytes that infect humans, animals and the «traikoviton mntagrovates» and «robrim» and «traikoviton traikoviton sodanis» and «mikrosborim», «cannes mikrosborim gibsim» isolated from sheep infected balkraa. Used in this study the effect of garlic plant aqueous solution the concentration of 2.5%, 5%, 10% added to cultivar food «alsabarod», agar and dextrose may also plant henna as a different betracz powder 2.5%, 5%, 10% in addition to the aforementioned food, cultivar and crushed grain rates of 2.5%, 5%, 10% added to cultivar food sabarod dextrose may agar/finally use a mixture of the three articles in equal proportion to the concentration of total 10% to the same food Center, have had their impact on these fungi The former.
The study said the researchers: friend Gerry friend, Hussein Ali Abdul Qadir and Abdul Rahim al-shanawani that when you add a water solution of garlic on food focus cultivar above the gave a disincentive for fungi used in the experiment ranged from 47.05% to 100%.
The study showed that when the use of grain in the same concentrations above the fungus was isolated a disincentive effect 35.13 to 100%, and when you add henna powder with the same concentrations above the impact damper with proportions ranging from 1.8% to 100%, when using a mixture of the three articles (henna and grain and garlic solution) with a final concentration of 10% gave a discouraging effect by between 85% to 100% in comparison with the control group.
And this study has shown that using a mixture of three articles by 10% to food effective impact cultivar and a more than other materials that were used in the case where the percentage inhibition on fungi isolated in most cases up to 100%.
And the study found that the concentrations of 5%, 10% in both henna, cumin, garlic, more effective on fungi of 2.5%. The altrikoviton robrim waltrikoviton sodanis less affected by these concentrations were most affected by the cannes almikrosborim these three concentrations and the mixture together, as was the trikoviton mntagrovates more effective each of garlic and henna where about 100% inhibition at 10% concentration and the effect of grain at the same concentration.
The study said that the juice of garlic or garlic extract extracted from garlic heads used anciently to cure some diseases, such as snake bites, rheumatism, abdominal pain and skin infection, also noted that clear and effective impact on insects, parasites, and viruses. Some researchers noted in their study on the garlic extract 10% that it has clear and effective on all skin fungus.
The researchers noted that for the plant Nigella sativa some researchers noted that it directly affects the disincentive to grow gram-negative bacteria and bacteria which grams such as Microbe and microbe walsidomonas gold cluster colorectal, nor is it an effect of salmonella midorim walkandida TV.
As for the Commission, its leaves are used in Egypt for a long time as a tincture for foot and hands since antiquity, and long, and currently used in hair dye, shampoo in your hair. Also used as a paste on the fingers and nail fungus-infected as potent to fungi that infect the fingers and hooves.