Fast food, Sun and smoking Many of the habits we practice daily may have harmful effects on our health and our beauty and we do not know, because their effects emerge only over the long term, and we offer to Madam 10 bad habits affect your beauty, try as far as possible avoided or discarded. 1. do not remove makeup before going to sleep A few women were vocal remove makeup before going to sleep, but many of them don't take care of it, leading to the accumulation of molecules make up the pores, and over time affect skin color, appearance of wrinkles. 2 starve to lose weight Many women resorted to feeding a desire to lose weight, but this has the most effect on the body, which deprives him of a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients, reflected the sagging skin, hair fall and lost, so if you want Madam in lose weight you can consult a nutritionist and find a diet that suits your body type. 3. eating junk Many times women tend to eat fast food, especially a...