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Fast food, Sun and smoking

Fast food, Sun and smoking

Many of the habits we practice daily may have harmful effects on our health and our beauty and we do not know, because their effects emerge only over the long term, and we offer to Madam 10 bad habits affect your beauty, try as far as possible avoided or discarded.

1. do not remove makeup before going to sleep
A few women were vocal remove makeup before going to sleep, but many of them don't take care of it, leading to the accumulation of molecules make up the pores, and over time affect skin color, appearance of wrinkles.

2 starve to lose weight
Many women resorted to feeding a desire to lose weight, but this has the most effect on the body, which deprives him of a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients, reflected the sagging skin, hair fall and lost, so if you want Madam in lose weight you can consult a nutritionist and find a diet that suits your body type.

3. eating junk
Many times women tend to eat fast food, especially at work, along with the extra weight caused by it affects the skin and hair in the long term, they do not meet the needs of the body the nutrients that it needs, your body suffers from lack of vitamins, which affect your health and beauty.

Do not drink water enough
The body consists of not less than 70% of water, and when not retained, leading to health problems, and the water helps skin cleanliness and purity, and get rid of the fat, so it is necessary to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

5 smoking
Smoking more conditions may affect your health and your beauty, it causes premature aging of the skin and change the color and deep wrinkles and dark bags around the eyes, causing chemicals found in cigarettes deprive hair of oxygen leading to hair loss and gray hair, the smell of cigarettes which accompany you all the time.

6. alcoholic beverages
Alcohol affects the memory status, according to several studies, and sagging skin and wrinkles and makes skin look tired, it also causes expansion of blood vessels in the body, causing the veins that appear under the nastiness of the skin.

7. get out in the Sun without protection
Many think that sunscreen is used in summer only for protection from the Sun, it must be protected from these rays in summer and winter by using sunscreen or a hat or scarf to cover the face of the Sun, they cause skin blotches, and lead to premature aging.

8. not enough sleep
The body needs in General to rest from fatigue, and gets the body comfort by sleeping for a sufficient period of 8 hours per day, even breathing skin and skin becomes bright far from fatigue and Frizz.

9. pressure and excessive stress
Many women and girls when subjected to severe stress or strain from the surrounding life conditions, affect their sleep and diet that follow, leading to hair fall and fading skin, and may neglect their own health and women resort to fast food and sometimes smoking to the detriment of the beauty of your skin and your health in General.

10. ignore health problems
Many women ignore the health problems they face, and may worsen these problems become worse, for example, acne appears as a result of worsening oily skin, be better care and skin care by type in order to avoid any problems.


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