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Need for breakfast is that it creates body to accept the daily activity at work or learning a given body mobility and production as it stimulates the mind and helps to focus during the period of permanence through individual supply energy and calories.
The neglect of the balanced breakfast at home increases the chances of the children processed and canned foods such as soft drinks, sweets and candies while in school as a brunch noting the importance of refraining from eating those foods because they contain very high amounts of fat and high calories leading to obesity and increase the chances of heart disease as a result of very high quantities of fats and high blood cholesterol.
Dr. charity confirmed that eating foods containing wheat am is very useful for containing those foods to dietary fiber, scientific studies have demonstrated the importance of fiber for human body where the pious of cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer, it also regulates the level of blood sugar in normal so advised diabetics to eat high amounts of fiber reduce blood sugar and wheat goes also vitamins b complex.
There is no reason why drink water just waking up and not be at the expense of dealing with important nutrients for the body such as milk, explaining that water should be lukewarm to cold water can cause shrinking the stomach wall which leads to pain.
Studies indicate that waking up early is difficult to breath so that many people are trying to avoid this period everything and ignoring breakfast Although doctors and medical research confirmed the importance of this meal for all age groups.
Dr. Stresses charity breakfast represent one third of the daily requirement of energy and nutrients and therefore must be a healthy and balanced diet containing all the nutrients of the protein and carbohydrates and a little fat and especially saturated fats and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables and minerals mainly calcium found in milk and dairy products cheese that help grow and strengthen bones.
For a full meal at the beginning of the day advised that includes breakfast, a cup of milk with a little sugar and a slice of bread with cheese or egg and stresses that milk must be accompanied by breakfast at all stages of human life from early childhood to old age.
On the other hand, many mothers complained that their children not to eat breakfast. Explains Dr. charity that is getting used to seeing at night and wake up late or advance the school directly causing lack of appetite and lack of appetite for breakfast and points out that it is important to accustom the child to sleep and waking up early to have time to have breakfast, adding that the family played a major role in this calendar.
Medical research confirms that eating habits that gets used to one's childhood is a candidate for life and that children tend to omit breakfast they probably keep this habit in the majority concludes that research results should get used to eat breakfast, this responsibility lies with the parents.
Often, eating a spoonful of honey after waking immediately. And head of the Department of nutrition at the Health Ministry that eating honey or milk with honey instead of eat with sugar is useful as honey great benefits because most of the vitamins, especially vitamin a and b and folic acid and is a rich source of energy for the high percentage of sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose so it is not recommended for diabetics or people suffering from obesity.
The results of numerous studies around the world that breakfast is associated with improved stamina at the beginning of the day and the absorptive capacity study and work duties which helps to replenish blood glucose levels am this is important so that the brain itself has no reserves of glucose and must compensate for the lack of glucose in it.
One nutrition experts say that when taking into account that it took you eight to nine hours for the dinner meal, it is clear that the fuel supply through breakfast will make you feel comfortable and performs better during the day. "
And recognizes that researchers at the University of Health Sciences in Chicago after they studied whether to eat breakfast effects useful and positive mood and cognitive performance in the afternoon and found breakfast prevents many adverse effects, including headaches, stress and tension.
The instrumental role and active in helping children to the best performance of my class is documented by over thirty years in the Faculty of medicine at the University of Iowa researchers found that children who eat breakfast have problem focusing in school and develop fatigue and inattention in the afternoon and have been linked to low blood sugar level which is replenished through breakfast allowing to fatigue, stress, fatigue, malaise and is influenced by educational attainment.
The specialists are advised to avoid the temptation to skip breakfast and have this meal pre-prepared food or need a short time to prepare.
More important than ever that there is no evidence that neglect breakfast helps weight loss studies indicate that those who did not eat breakfast compensated by eating more food at lunch, it's unproductive to dispense with this meal in a diet to lose weight.


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