Melt fat
The human body without a scalpel, it seems like a dream in the process of investigation, some companies are finding ways to remove unwanted fat from the body without pain or side effects, without the need for surgery for liposuction.And are not approved any of the new methods, but its supporters are talking about dissolving fat cells using sound waves, or electricity, or injecting materials melt fat. But doctors warn that many of the allegations in the field of cosmetic surgery related to unsuccessful methods promoted because this area abounds with aspects of advertising.One way that began clinical trials, is the use of ultrasound. It uses many cosmetic surgeons soundwaves of high frequency, for cracking the fat cells and making it easier to suction. The companies say that if ultrasound is used correctly, it can break down fat cells, and then gradually absorbed by the body.Dr. Yoram Eichel of company «altrashabe» in Israel a new style 30 persons in Israel despite the lack of results. He says the company hopes to launch clinical trials in Europe next year, and hopes to get approval for marketing method in America by 2005.The company «libosonx» in Washington State on fat removal method by ultrasound. And hopes to begin the first clinical trial this year, but don't expect it to enter its market by 2006.Liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedures, conducted about 373,000 American process last year. This action causes the hollow tubes inserted through the skin into the fat layers and then suctioned does repeatedly, bruising and swelling that can last for weeks, effects. It can be for these complications such as blood loss or coagulated, or even death. The poll of physicians specialists the body plastic surgery, one patient dies every 47415 process, serious complications in one operation of all 384 process between 1998 and 2000. Either Ultrasound method is using a transducer that is used to examine the fetus in the womb. But many experts question the capabilities of ultrasound alone, without a process to liposuction.And ultrasonic equipment companies recognize that without liposuction, it can not only remove a small amount of fat in each time, so that the body can absorb the fat. And imagine that ultrasound can remove between lb (453 grams) to ritalin every time, while Liposuction removes between 9 to 10 pounds each time.Therefore the patients using ultrasound machines to numerous visits. The duration of each visit and the visit about a month or more, but every visit will not last more than an hour.It also highlights concerns about safety, which can, if not remove the fat, inflammation, lipid enters the blood stream, causing coagulated, but other doctors say that this risk is minimal. Even liposuction is still all fat, but the amount remains in the body, and does not seem to cause problems.