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Anxiety in the elderly

Great old age passed by a beautiful rose ...

After the moon has picked declined, saying:
Satrkha until tender ...
Maybe I realized the secret of life.
These lines say that evolution is evident in the health and social awareness in ageing in General, and especially those in the advanced stages of age.

It is a psychological and physiological consists of combined elements of cognitive, physical, and behavioral. To create an unpleasant feeling usually associated with uneasiness, fear, or frequency.
Anxiety is a common mood occur without identifiable effects stimulated. As such, the concern about fear, which occurs in a significant threat. In addition, the fear of specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result of an uncontrollable threats or cannot

Studies indicate that up to 20% of the elderly may suffer from anxiety disorders to varying degrees, on how to deal with older people in situations of concern,

It is a tool for the mind and body to survive in different situations, prevention of danger and overcome the crisis.

Therefore, a moderate short-term concern is a natural phenomenon but is useful in many cases. But when anxiety becomes chronic and is not adjusted properly, they could call it "anxiety disorder."

And then these feelings make it difficult for daily deal, affect quality of life and can also lead to depression. Anxiety disorders are also common among older people and the good news here is that the effective diagnosis of the situation and continued support in dealing with older treatment that can restore life to normal, even at this stage of life.

The prevalence of anxiety disorders in older people?
Anxiety disorders in older persons is very common. Studies indicate that about 20% of older people suffering from anxiety disorders to varying degrees.

Causes of concern to older persons:
Typically, anxiety disorders in older agents focus on three main areas:
And of social and economic problems faced by the elderly and the psychological and social conformity are:


It is the feeling of the individual relative separation or any combination of loneliness and anxiety leading to depression.

The required free time at the stage of advanced age a variety of methods and joint cooperation between the family, the State and the individual. Man who was regularly produces and realizes itself suddenly finds himself compelled to change his lifestyle, leisure hours long he/she inability to adapt or filled.

This problem is illustrated by the lack of clubs and gardens for the elderly.

Studies show that older people have anxiety about their health. They tend to fear the deteriorating career performance and diseases that may deprive them of the ability to live and performance independently.

In addition, common diseases in older such as dementia, heart disease and stroke are directly linked to the symptoms of anxiety.

Financial independence:

When the old currency loses it moves from active life to vacuum, from independence to dependence, finds himself in a difficult position is low income with increased financial burdens and lack of additional sources of retirement income, which would deepen the sense of economic instability and to reduce expenditures and deepen his sense of bewilderment among accept assistance from children or non-acceptance and live alone or with accepted from children and grandchildren, or live in homes for the elderly.


Retirement is a major turning point in human life, because the main social indicator turning on human aging, retirement is a social phenomenon that is society's attitude of the individual while up to a certain age precisely determined by society without taking into consideration the mental status and productivity of older persons. Thus, retirement means the individual withdrawal from community life, because work is determined by the status of the individual and the same, and how others perceive him.

According to some psychologists that retirement is not just a form of social life caused by changes in the activities of the social role of the individual, but the individual determines the special role of social composition, any new social role was fear and uncertainty what impact negatively on the elderly in many aspects including the thrill of action. And a sense of value, and live in a social environment.

-But there are positive aspects to retire on time for social activities and the development of mutual relations.

Daily stressors:

Tasks such as caring for patients/spouses, death of family members or acquaintances, family conflicts, questions of inheritance, social relationships and the difficulty of adapting to the changing conditions of life, all these can aggravate the symptoms of anxiety.


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