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The age of menopause.

The age of menopause.
Symptoms and signs of physical and psychological

The age of menopause (menopause) Menopause, that interruption of menstruation and the end
Fertility and reproduction, due to stop development of the follicles in ovarian Follicle.

Permanent and natural menopause (not caused by disease) is a process
Biological naturalism, spoke to women between the ages of 45 to 55 years old and had registered cases
Women reached the age of menopause at an earlier age (35 years), or later (60

Amenorrhea causes permanent

There are several reasons lead to permanent amenorrhea:

The low level of female hormones:
When women reach the end of the thirties, decreased production of ovaries
Of reproductive hormones Estrogen and progesterone estrogen Progesterone:.

These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle. At the end of the 1930s
Egg production begins to decrease gradually. The hormone secretion
Progesterone after ovulation is dropping. It is known that this hormone motorized Corps
Women pregnancy

And hormonal influences.

Transition phase
Called "pre menopause stage"
Perimenopause (will explain later) notes that, in addition to the decrease in hormone
The high level of the hormone estrogen, researchers Folliculitis (Follicle Stimulating
Hormone (FSH and Luteinizing Hormone allotnh hormone (LH and secretes (by
The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (Pituitary Gland).

Hormonal changes become more pronounced in the 1940s, the session may become
Monthly longer or shorter than usual, heavy or scanty, the ovary stands
Production of eggs, so faded and the absence of a menstrual cycle.

The clinical picture

Practice is not up to the age of menopause after years of absence
The last menstruation usually rate at the age of 15 years old.

The signs and symptoms of menopause age often appear much earlier, so section
Scientists age menopause phases, namely
"Phase before the age of menopause

"Phase after menopause"

Pre menopause

The transition to the age of menopause, and specifically to menstrual
Latest in women's lives. Usually this phase begins with a time period ranging from
Two to five years before the age of menopause (average age 47, 5 years).
It is a part of the natural ageing process and function to the end of the age
Fertility and reproduction.

The most important symptoms and signs of this stage
Irregular menstruation,
Low fertility, vaginal dryness, hot flares, sleep disorder, mood swings,
Headache, dizziness and pain in the joints and lower back region, women may suffer from swelling
Ankle (foot), lack of density of scalp hair, dry skin and Hazell breasts.

Mood changes (psychological): suffering

Some of the women from the fluctuations in mood Mood between anxiety and depression
And panic and obsessive-compulsive disorder bipolar Bipolar Disorder. And in
Very rare cases may be involved in schizophrenia Schizophrenia.

Although most women move into the age of menopause without problems
Psychic, but it is estimated that about 10 percent of them develop depression. The
Many studies to increase the risk of depression in stage
Before the age of menopause, compared with the period after the age of menopause (where less than
The possibility of depression).

Because some women with depression during this period to a decline rate of hormone
Estrogen in their bodies. It is known that the hormone increases the effectiveness of
Serotonin and norepinephrine serotonin and Noradrenalin, deficiency leads to
Decline in the effectiveness of these articles, so a depression (as it is known that
One of the reasons why depression is norepinephrine inhibiter such as Duloxetine and norepinephrine) deficiency. And may not
Depression is related to hormonal changes experienced by women in this
Age, but may be caused by social changes occurring at this age, such as:
The pressures of work, care for older persons, such as the parents or one of them,
Boys and their exit from the House, a woman with her husband (or alone) in the House
Free, and this leads to loneliness.


Sleep: suffers from 41 to 51 percent of women during the period before the interruption
Menstruation from insomnia Insomnia. This may be related to a mood disorder such as: anxiety
Anxiety, stress and tension Tension Stress and depression. Or may be the cause of insomnia
Women hot flares and sweating during sleep.

Lack of estrogen, the hormone improves sleep quality.
The high rate of LH hormone leads to low quality sleep through it
Regulate the heat in the body, which leads to high internal body temperature
Core Body Temperature (measured via the anus only).

Age increases the incidence of episodes of sleep apnea
Sleep Apnea. The rising rate of 6.5 percent in women category
Age 31 to 39 years for up to 16 percent at the age of 51 years. Although the causes of
It is unknown, but some studies suggest that increased body weight women
(Obesity) in the age of menopause has a direct relationship to the suffering of
Sleep apnea. The low level of progesterone causes
The incidence of sleep apnea episodes, because this hormone encourages and stimulates
The process of breathing. In addition to the above, the level of growth hormone
Melatonin Melatonin age.7 age after menopause, and this decline
Negative impact on the process of sleep.

Compulsive: women may suffer during the age of menopause from OCD. Either
If they already suffered from the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder worsening what was
It. Studies have indicated that due to hormonal changes
During this period.


Bipolar: bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of depression and psychotic thinking
Psychotic Depression followed by periods of mania Mania (mood of extreme joy)
And so forth. Studies have indicated that during the period prior to menopause,
Most abound periods of depression compared with periods of mania among HIV-positive women
Originally the bipolar disorder.

2. irregular periods:
Ovulation Ovulation becomes more unstable and more than an anomaly, the periods
Between the monthly sessions either longer or shorter. Menstruation becomes either scarce or
Thickly. Some courses may be absent (has recorded cases where menstruation stops without symptoms
Without notice).

3. hot flares:
Approximately 65 to 75 percent of women experience hot flares during the period
Before menopause. The clinical picture of facial flushing, chest
And the feeling of heat in these regions and sweating (especially at night), accelerated beats
Heart, fatigue, dizziness and feeling the scar on the skin.

And vary
Flares in the number of times they occur during the day, women suffer from multiple
Flares per day, or a few a week. Excessive sweating may occur during the day
And the night or sleeping hours only, and therefore wets the bed. Flares of lasts
A few minutes to half an hour and leading heat and sweating at night to women
Insomnia. Scientists attribute the occurrence of symptoms of hot flares to widen arteries under
Skin Vasomotor Symptoms.

4. changes in the vagina and bladder:
The decline estrogen vaginal loss for its flexibility, as well as the his membrane
Mucosa loses flexibility wetzlkh Java becomes somewhat, making sexual intercourse
Mo'lk. The decline of estrogen makes women vulnerable to infections
Vaginal and urinary and tissue loss of tense and flexibility with picture his public leads
To control the urine.

5. low fertility:
As ovulation becomes irregular less possibility of women on pregnancy. However
So long as the menstrual cycle occurs, the possibility of pregnancy remain.

6. sexual desire:
During the period before the age of menopause has less desire and sexual arousal when some
Women may be caused by a low level of female hormones. However, most of the
Women sexually active before the age of menopause maintain this activity during
This period and even after the age of menopause.

7. bone loss: 
with low estrogen, bone density, and decrease the possibility of osteoporosis Osteoporosis.

8. change in cholesterol:
Low estrogen may increase bad LDL cholesterol
And that contributes to the risk of heart and artery disease. At the same time reduced
Good cholesterol HDL with age, and this also shows women
Diseases of the arteries and heart.

9. headaches:
May result in low estrogen to women suffering from headaches. It has
Studies have indicated that in pre menopause has become a headache
More and more frequently, because the level of feminine hormones oscillate between
Low and high rotation, leading to the woman's headache.


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