Of breast tumors are not cancerous, but many side effects may lead to transformation of cells to malignant tumor. Today, many treatment methods, recovery from breast cancer is not impossible, especially if the disease is caught early, but can use alternative medicine in healing from breast cancer?
Many studies and research in this regard, experience has shown that the effectiveness of alternative medicine in the prevention of breast cancer. This means that at the heart of medical treatment which seeks to fight the disease. These methods complement traditional therapy, lifestyle changes, change in diet, exercise, homeopathy, Homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.
Learn about some of them through the following report:
Increase awareness of breast cancer and find various preventive medicines, "your life" to be among women seeking an alternative to the drug to prevent breast cancer.
Alternative culture

Look for treatments and regulations in other States approved for breast cancer prevention. From canonical that Asian countries women are less likely to develop breast cancer compared with women in Europe and America.
Vitamin 12
A shortage of vitamin 12 to nerve damage, anemia and contributing to the proliferation of cancer cells. Don't deprive yourself of this vitamin is found in various foods such as fish, meat and milk products. This vitamin can also be purchased from pharmacies.
Eat more vegetables, including broccoli, broccoli and cabbage. These vegetables contain a substance called Sulforaphane, which increase cancer control enzymes.
Green tea
Drink green tea daily. The more green tea consumption has decreased the incidence of breast cancer, it helps to stop the growth of cancer cells.