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Food tips for seniors citizen

Food tips for seniors

Get vitamins from vegetables better than tablets dietary supplement and healthy food plays an essential role in the prevention of elderly nutrition deficiency, and this requires that (the Jew) includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and fat-free dairy products, whole grains and legumes, with a focus on reducing the intake of salt.

The dietitian Hans Helmut Martin, according to the island, although the older energy requirement decreases with age, their needs for nutrients remains the same, but the rates are increasing, because their bodies lose the ability to absorb certain types of vitamins and minerals.

Martin said he is an expert in nutrition food consulting independent Union City Wittenberg-that does not mean that the elderly need to follow special diets or take dietary supplements, but they have only a healthy diet, insisted not taking supplements containing vitamins or minerals only after consulting your doctor or verify these shortages already doing a blood analysis, for example.

Nutrition expert warned that many older people eat very little of folic acid and vitamins d and b-12, iron and calcium.

Called to get the vitamins the body needs food not from dietary supplements, pointing out that folic acid, for example, there are plenty of foods such as vegetables are green like lettuce.

But because the vitamins found in these foods are very sensitive to heat, Martin recommends steamed or cooked briefly or shiha ingested raw, if older is teeth to chew raw vegetables, is then cut into small pieces using a mincer or evangelist.

Martin warns of a vegetarian diet without consulting a physician or dietitian, because vitamin b 12 "exists only in animal foods.

It also stresses the importance of going out in the fresh air and sun exposure for the elderly, so that the body itself produces vitamin d when exposed to radiation, adding that there are also dairy products.

He stressed the need to deal with copious amounts of fluid at least 1.5 l daily in the form of mineral water or herbal tea and fruits or juices, vegetables and fruits, adding that some older people find it difficult to deal with this on a daily basis as a result of the declining sense of thirst, and therefore recommends a daily quota of drinks every morning and addressed throughout the day, whether they feel thirsty or not.

Martin was often lose their appetites to the older food also, since declining ability to taste and everything becomes insipid in their mouths, pointing out that often appears in not understanding of the taste of salt, so many of them are adding large quantities of food, and it is dangerous because it leads to increased water retention in the body, which may cause high blood pressure, therefore it is recommended to replace the salt with other types of spices and herbs.


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