Carrots ( Daucus Carota )
• Water
• Oils
• Fat
• Sugar
• Mineral salts such as: sulfur, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron.
• Vitamins (D, C, B, A, E, PP)
Uses and benefits of the Islands:
1. d-t, juice treats dropsy, swelling, water body, it also deals with chronic kidney disease and bladder problems, crumbling sand and gravel.
2. dealing with gout.
3. address the puff, expels flatus, stops diarrhoea, mocker, and prevents stomach acidity.
4. dealing with Vitiligo.
5. carrot seed handling the psychiatric and tension and ill temper.
6. dealing with allergies and urticaria and eczema, acne and dealt with.
7. carrot seed stimulates liver and prevents alrikan.
8. increase the level of potassium in the blood, used with diuretics that reduce the level of calcium in the blood, leading to psychological and health problems such as poor mood.
9. the seed addresses diseases of the chest and cough.
10. high blood circulation in women.
11. an important source of Carotenoids and llkarotinoidat are chemical substances found in plants and in particular Islands, and is searching for its benefits in the fight against cancer, there are two types of these materials:-type 1: Alpha carotene, which inhibits the growth of cancers. – Type II: beta carotene, prevents the risk of cancers and heart disease. A research by the American Cancer Foundation for the benefits of the Islands, who eat carrots reduced their risk of cancers.
12. the Islands contains a substance called Calcium Pectate: types of liquid and fiber is a substance that reduces the blood cholesterol level. Correct that eating carrots a day lowers cholesterol by 20%.
13. beta carotene to prevent myopia and night blindness disease.
14. that 2 cups of carrot juice daily prevents diseases and prevents enlarged spleen.
15. that eating carrots every day brings fun.
16. the Islands that prevents blood clots.
17. live audio and purifies the vocal cords.
Installation of the Islands