Wedding day
A busy day and full of tasks and things to do for the bride a few hours before her wedding, the bride usually anxious and nervous and tense, which makes them forget to eat or eat foods that cause stomach and intestinal problems, what foods you should avoid the bride on her wedding day?
1. starches
Avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, pasta, and corn at least one day in advance of your wedding day, because it causes a sense of fullness and abdominal bloating.
2. soda and soft drinks
Away from the known damage to the soda and soft drinks, the drinks cause a disturbing sense of flatulence, in addition to those drinks cause frequent need to go to the bathroom.
3. caffeine
Stay away from drinks that contain caffeine before your wedding day, especially tea and coffee, and eat instead of water or fresh juices that supply your body with the necessary nutrients needed by that day, it gives your skin sparkle and freshness need, as well as the caffeine-rich drinks cause diuresis, finds the body of a large quantity of water, which may lead to fainting as a result of high stress.
4. hot foods and spices
Avoid eating spicy foods like chili and spices on the wedding day, they might lead to a feeling of indigestion and a burning sensation of the stomach and intestines, especially with the amount of stress experienced by the bride during the wedding day.
5. milk and milk products
Do not consume milk and dairy products in your wedding day as it may cause irritation in the stomach that may increase with a sense of stress and anxiety inherent to the bride on her wedding day.
Make sure to eat a good breakfast on your wedding day, and drink plenty of water and natural juices to keep your body moisture in this very special day.