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hormone (prolactin)

Milk or hormone (prolactin)

Is the hormone secreted from a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland.

Typically increases the secretion of this hormone gland naturally in pregnancy and childbirth

When dealing with certain drugs, such as nausea and some medicines drugs gloom and antiepileptic medicines and psychosis.

That increased prolactin secretion of a number of external stimuli such as stress, breastfeeding and sexual activity.

In women, the breast tissue to prolactin. Prolactin has the effect of stimulating the chest for milk production in late pregnancy and lactation milk production, the independent. There are other hormones have the same influence on the chest like oestrogen

What controls the production of prolactin?
Neurotransmitter substance called dobamina controls the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. Dopamine has the effect of preventing prolactin secretion by the pituitary gland. There are also other factors can stimulate prolactin secretion. like the serotonin and thyroid hormone produced. Medications available for the treatment of high prolactin levels either imitate the previously prohibitory effect of dopamine or serotonin stimulation effect (see under treatment).

How do you know if there is a problem with prolactin?


The most important reason for the measurement of prolactin in the blood a release almost unexpected milk from the breast. This condition is known as galactorrhoea. Ghalaktorhweya can appear in both women and men. Your doctor may measure the level of prolactin in the blood also if a woman has irregular periods or rare (unique monthly cycle or irregular), or if you stop periods. Metrics can work if there is difficulty in pregnancy or if there is doubt as to the existence of problems with the pituitary gland.

The level of prolactin in the blood usually 30-600 mIU/l. or less than 20 ng/ml these values may vary from lab to lab and be lower in males. If your blood level of prolactin is higher than normal, this is known as the increase in the level of prolactin.

What causes an increase in the level of prolactin?

1. If the prolactin level moderate high the doctor may ask to measure the level of alhiromu 2-stress 2. blood screening in some people be sufficient to raise prolactin levels vialdm. High prolactin levels are normal in pregnancy and if the patient nursing of chest. Prolactin levels usually return to normal range during the 6 months after birth.Medicines can raise the blood levels of prolactin such as anti-llkaeabh medication and opiate drugs

What are the treatments available for those owners of symptoms of high levels of prolactin in the blood?
Raising the level of prolactin without symptoms, or galactorrhoea without high prolactin may not require any treatment necessary as long as the patient did not get offended by him, especially if your period comes regularly and there are fertility if accidental, sickness absence periods (menstruation), or pregnancy, medical treatment (see below)
Medical treatment
Dopamine agonists

This group of medications act like what occurs naturally ldobamine to prevent prolactin secretion of pituitary cells.

This is used as a treatment to suppress prolactin since the 1970s. This gives usually as 1.25 mg (half Tablet) at bedtime for the first week. This drug is the best choice for treatment of infertility is the relationship with prolactin, and is thought to be relatively safe in pregnancy. This dose may be slowly increased to 2.5-5 mg dose given twice a day after meals to reduce the side effects. Side effects include dizziness (due to low blood pressure), nausea, nasal stuffiness (nasal bleeding). Caution should be taken if taking other drugs to treat high blood pressure.


This is an alternative to bromocriptine acts in a similar way. Again, low doses begins slowly must identify side effects. That dose the prefix 0.1 mg daily increased slowly after 1-2 weeks to the standard dose of 0.2 mg three times daily.

This is very similar to the effect of bromocriptine but akoio longer and less side effects. If not appropriate bromocriptine, lisuride, take this medication as a reasonable alternative. However, this drug is more expensive than other medications and should be branded by my doctor.

Koinagold (SI-205-502)
This is the second address line more effectively then bromocriptine and available on professional recommendation. Is used for those of little tolerance of drugs almost bromocriptine.

Serotonin antagonists

Serotonin acts to stimulate the release of prolactin. Serotonin antagonist acts to prevent the effect of serotonin on prolactin secretion.

Known and traded drugs in Arabic, which is used to reduce the proportion of milk hormone such as albarlodil waldobergin or aldostanx property, similar to the side effects of these drugs, since most of them could lead to stomach pain, nausea, severe hypotension and dizziness and headache so it is advisable to use gradually in order to avoid this you should also continue taking this medication even in the case of pregnancy overdue pregnancy or for at least two years in the case of a blowup in the pituitary gland, rare may need to Pituitary resection if the effect on the optic nerve or inflation but this difficult process and have significant side effects in some cases.

How to know the patient that the drug affects the level of prolactin?
Treatment can be evaluated with menstrual periods note, galactorrhoea, shrink tumors as a resident by the scan, and prolactin in the blood sits. Fertility may be returned even before the onset of menstruation.


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