1/Go within immediately. Take a bath in amazing water if appropriate. By doing this, your warm variety will decrease, and you are able to management the destruction. Do not use icy water or ice at this stage, otherwise you may not keep the extreme discomfort. You are plan to have some smooth therapy and ice is simply too hard. 20 moments is OK to first aid amazing water bath. If you are still in discomfort, you can take amazing water bath five times a day consequently. Again don't over do it.
2/Find a easy, loose-fitting slumberwear to lay down yourself effectively and progressively. An easy bed is also good to decrease the discomfort. If your arms and legs harm, you should keep them brought up. And a chilled, wet tea bag will help to decrease the discomfort of eye covers as well. If possible, find out a organic aloe-vera leaves or 100 % organic aloe-vera gel to put on your sun burnt off skin. Do it very effectively and effectively to snooth the discomfort and improve therapy. Do not use butter or huge lotions on the skin. It just intensify.
3/Taking drugs or nuprin will help to comfort the discomfort and agonizing. But that's only OK for adults. Never give drugs to kids.
4/Avoid the immediate because the before your are 100% handled. Use some protection clothing and a hat if you have to go out.
5/If you have agonizing bigger than your thumbs, or you encounter some high temperature variety. chills, or a weakness, do contact your doctor or go to the hospital to look for help.