* Breakfast:
1-10 green olives + 1/4 loaf my
2-4 tables poons bean with lemon and salt without oil + tomato and cucumber
3-2 a little feta without sauce + tomatoes + option
* Lunch:
One of the following choices:
1-8 Tbsp cooked pasta or 5 spoons parboiled rice
1/2 orange or tangerine
The authority of the
2. Green Salad + 1/2 k sautéed NI x NI without oil the following items:
(Green beans-Zucchini-Eggplant-spinach.
Okra) + 1/2 orange or tangerine
3. boiled potatoes one Moose-size computer with garlic, salt, cumin, without
Oil + power
* Dinner:
Like the breakfast choices