What is LASIK?
Is modern technology to correct vision using a belt scanner capacitor within the cornea and not on the surface as in the past.
The advantages of this method compared to the old style?
Features are accurately adjust the sizes and speed healing of the cornea and return the patient to exercise his activity within 24 hours and the scarcity of any setback in size.
What uses of LASIK?
You can use the LASIK to correct disadvantages to consider:
-Very soon, reading glasses
Depend maximum patch on several factors such as the thickness of the cornea and IRIS Imaging size altobjrave to the eye, and there should be no obstacles inside the eye as IRIS or blue water inflammation or white.
What age is possible to perform the operation?
It is possible that the LASIK at any age, but depending on the circumstances of each case, in the sense that it can perform this operation for children when there is a large difference in size between the eyes, specs in this case can be made for the eye vulnerable if the child cant afford eyeglasses so as not to weaken the eye. And in the case of the elderly, provided no other eye diseases as previously mentioned. Either age appropriate generally is 18 years, and the reason for this is due to the increased stability when the glass size and do not even have to bring LASIK again.
Is it possible to LASIK more than once?
Of course, after restoration work, tabogravia of the cornea.
What does the patient before the operation?
Prefers not to wear soft contact lenses for at least two weeks before the date of the operation and solid lenses 4 weeks before the operation. You can eat before the operation but the food is light, and would prefer to go to the hospital or Center accompanied by a relative or friend, the doctor performed some tests of the eye before the operation.
What steps are done in the operating room and time spent?
Do not take more than 10 minutes, the operation is performed under local anesthetic effect (narcotic) and not feel any pain during the operation, and then feel a mild burning sensation for 2-6 hours.
All that is required of the patient's lack of movement not to touch the eye and respond to some of the instructions given by the doctor during the process.
The patient is then moved to the waiting room to see the doctor again, and the patient returns home.
The post-operative instructions?
The vision immediately after the operation is clear and the patient feels as if seen through mist and continue this feeling for limited hours. Do not drive immediately after the operation. And the patient can watch TV or read what he likes on the process possible. In the meantime can scan the front and cheeks with a damp cloth taking care not to touch the eye. Strictly forbidden eye Scrubs for 48 hours. The patient can eat whatever he wants. The doctor examined the patient within the first 24 hours after the operation.
Does the process for the eyes at the same time or place one eye first and then the second eye later?
Usual procedure LASIK eye at the same time, except in cases with poor vision in one eye.
As a result the process continue?
The result of the operation, but a partial retreat may occur as a result of the process in some cases suffering from high myopia or length considered high by the process, and this is discussed with the doctor before the operation.
What are the complications that may occur after the operation?
After the impressive progress in technology alaximrliser, the complications of LASIK has become very rare, for example:
Excess or less correction is required, treatment can increase or decrease the reuse alaximrliser. Blurry vision after the operation continued, very rarely lasts more than two weeks of the complaint.
Is LASIK safe?
My alaximrliser is high and is designed after studies the process and its main objective to ensure the safety of the eye, so the process does not produce any negative effect on the tissues of the eye.
When the patient can resume his work after LASIK?
After a day or two at most.
When can exercise landing of sea or pool?
Two days after the regular sports or swim after a week with water sports wear glasses for a month.
When you ladies make-up or facial powders after the operation?
A week after the operation.
When the patient is allowed to batdae colored contact lenses after surgery?
After one month of operation.
When the patient can drive?
After a day or two in the process.
Can prayer immediately after the operation?
Of course, taking into account not to touch the eye or washed with water during ablutions (scanning with water only).
Will I get strength without sight 6/6 after the operation?
LASIK is an alternative to eyeglasses, if the vision with glasses before operation six it can process can give you strength without sight 6/6, but some eyes suffered from a condition called laziness in the sense that the eye cannot 6/6 eyeglasses seized despite the absence of any disease, and in this case the process will be given to the patient's vision which gives him her bifocals before surgery.