Remove hair
Generally people expect that permanent hair removal means it is for all time and the hair will never grow back in that area. But it may not be so. It is felt that a period of one year can be considered as adequate for a method to qualify as a permanent hair removal method. Most users will be happy if a hair removal treatment lasts that long. It is also observed that no single method works on all people. Reasons are not known.
The methods developed to provide permanent solution use chemicals and energy of different types or a combination of both to remove hair in the target area. Removing hair in an area permanently without disturbing hair growth nearby may not be possible. electrolysis, laser and intense pulsed light are proven and accepted methods of permanent hair removal.
Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal option. A thin needle is inserted in to the hair follicle to destroy the hair at its root. One has to attend several sessions to get through the procedure. It is costly, time consuming and also painful.
Laser hair removal is not as permanent as electrolysis. This is known to provide relief for about 6 months after which a repeat may be required. It is also noticed that some hair removed never grows back. We can label this as partially permanent. In this procedure, a beam of Laser light is directed to the group of hair follicles to destroy. The cost of Laser hair removal is cheaper than Electrolysis.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) procedure utilizes xenon flash lamp to achieve its objective. Focused broad spectrum light generated from the device is directed at the skin to reach the hair roots to destroy them. The pulses of light produced is for very short duration hence physical discomfort and damage to non-target area are negligible. As this works mostly on the top layers of the skin does not penetrate deep enough to provide permanent hair removal. IPL is usually advertised as ‘permanent hair reduction’ instead of ‘permanent hair removal’. Cost wise, this procedure is cheaper than Laser hair removal.
To remove hair from face a delicate question, because skin sensitivity and smoothness, featured know that resorting to natural mixtures are allowed too, instead of creams and line power tools, make mixes in your kitchen for the IPL on tzili facial!
Mix egg and flour:
Mix the egg with one half teaspoon of corn flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar until you have a thick paste, and somewhat sticky so it can be rolled out on top, after ten minutes, bring a plastic tool, remove the dough from the area, then wash your face with lukewarm water.
Mix honey and lemon juice:
Put half a cup of honey with a cup of sugar and a quarter Cup of lemon juice in a saucepan, then adhlet on the microwave oven for three minutes at most. Wait until it faltered, mix, and a knife to your skin by any tool available to you, then put a piece of cloth to the mix, and wait for it to dry, then remove from your face.