world wide and accessories
It is not enough to choose the bag and shoe fitting for wardrobe, world wide and accessories along with shoes, bags, shawls, hats and other small pieces that would touch the required excellence and distinctive accessories that complete your look and also, jewelry.
But how do you coordinate your jewelry with your accessory?
A major problem against many women are choosing jewellery has nothing to do with choosing other accessories but beauty experts say the contrary, jewelry should fit your accessory.
The most prominent tips that can provide you with are:
1. when choosing colored bags, shoes and neon colors, choose the color of the rings jewellery collection with precious stones.
2. When you choose the accessories, make classic jewellery collection and make sure to be white gold or diamonds if your pants in silver and yellow gold if your golden.
3. when choosing accessories as a scarf and hat, make sure that your accessory is also vital and choose the time and simple pendant.