Magnetic therapy is a type of alternative medicine treatments that use magnetic energy in the treatment of many diseases of the body, and the magnet itself does not heal, but creates a balanced environment for the body to speed up the healing process.
Scientific studies have shown that the strength of the modern Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 50% from what it was centuries ago, resulting in a reduced amount of magnetic energy that benefit the human body. Modern industrial society also contributed to inform us of metal frameworks-absorbs part of the magnetic energy emitted from the Earth-reduce the usefulness and power of magnetic energy that we can get.
So the idea of magnetic therapy based on the same rules of magnetic energy in nature. Where magnetic energy penetrates the skin in a specific position to suck through the capillaries in the skin overlying this position, moving in the blood until it reaches the blood stream that feeds all the capillaries in the body. Magnetic energy is absorbed in the blood to blood hemoglobin molecules contain iron and other electric charges sucks this magnetic energy, magnetic stream originates in the bloodstream carries magnetic energy to different body parts.
And cause the magnetic energy absorbed in stimulating blood vessels, dilated, so grow and improve blood circulation, leading to an increased flow of food-food and oxygen to all the cells of the body-it helps eliminate toxins better and more efficiently. And is equivalent to pH content of cells and tissues of the body, balanced environment helps to improve the performance of the functions of the body, so the body heals itself.
The magnetic energy helps the body to heal itself by stimulating the body's Biochemistry and healing occurs automatically.
Note that the magnetic energy impact on all parts of the body, and this effect may still be several hours even after the magnetic field on body dimensions.
The benefits of magnetic therapy
Magnetic therapy has many benefits including but not limited to the following:
Increased capacity of hemoglobin in blood to absorb oxygen molecules thereby increasing energy levels in the body.
Strengthening non-active blood cells leading to increased number of cells in the blood.
Blood vessels dilate gently helping to increase the amount of blood that reaches the body's cells. It increases the supply of food and increase its ability to eliminate toxins more efficiently.
Reduce blood cholesterol and removes it from the walls of blood vessels, leading to lower high blood pressure to the appropriate rate.
Equivalent to pH in body fluids, which helps to balance acid with alkali.
The production and release of hormones increases or decreases depending on the requirements of the body during the treatment period.
Modify the activities of enzymes in the body to suit his needs.
Speed up the renewal of the cells of the body which helps to delay aging.
Help to organize the various member functions in the body.
Help get rid of the sensation of pain by calming nerves, when sending signals which express the pain to the brain the magnetic energy to reduce electrical activity and close channels of access for these signals to the brain, pain.
Cases can be treated by magnetic therapy
In a study by Dr. Nakagawa assosa hospital in Tokyo (Dr. N. Nakagawa Chief of Tokyo's Izusa Hospital) using magnetic therapy for the treatment of 11 patients suffering from a muscle spasm in the shoulders and neck area, healing was achieved in 90% of these patients.
The cases can be treated by using magnetic therapy include:
Roughness and weak joints of the hands, legs, arms, feet and shoulders.
Gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, gastritis. Etc.
Irregular metabolic processes in the body, such as a lack of insulin production.
Cure some cancers.
Injuries such as wounds and burns.
The bleeding that results from weak tissues and organs such as bleeding gums.
Various forms of arthritis.
Joint and bone fractures.
Infection and kidney stones.
Flexion of joints in any part of the body
Irregular breathing, such as asthma and bronchitis.
Skin problems such as acne and eczema.
Change move calcium ions to increase in bone fractures to help quickly heal, or less joints to treat inflammation.
Magnetic therapy is not intended to treat specific diseases to the extent intended to supply the body with perfect conditions, which helps him to heal himself. As we have mentioned before that the whole body is affected by magnetic energy regardless of region dealt with in the body. Was Dr. kimith McLean (Dr. Kenneth McLean), one of the scientists of the Institute of magnetism, New York on the magnetic therapy that gift of God as it is useful in the treatment of all diseases without side effects remember
Does magnetic therapy safe?
It computes the magnetic therapy that is not drug addiction such as certain drugs, it does not interact with any medication as research shows that migraine is very low.
The side effects of magnetic therapy may appear-if any-for several days after treatment with magnetic; it helps the body get rid of toxins and increase its ability to absorb liquids. Symptoms may appear in headache, insomnia and elevated body temperature. And these symptoms go away after a day or two of treatment automatically.
Starting therapy
The degree of disease severity and duration are determined by the strength of the magnet stone. It is preferable that the patient will begin using a magnet stone strength is low, and then increase his strength gradually thereafter, and must treat children, young persons, older persons through the electromagnet low force.
The research also found that
The research also found that magnetic treatment period increases if the patient has anemia, or calcium deficiency, or treatment with drugs suppresses auto-immune system.
Difficult situations using magnetic therapy
There are difficult to treat by magnetic therapy such as:
Pregnant women
People suffering from epileptic seizures.
People living in artificial heart
People who have their metal prosthetic parts such as prosthetics.
Also, you should not use strong magnetic field force on children, or the eyes, or the brain or heart.
You should not use extreme force to South Pole magnet in the treatment of tumors and cancers and bacterial and viral infections.
And electric magnets should be kept away from computers, credit cards, and video, batteries found in watches, headsets, mobile phones ... Etc.
Type magnetic pole which is used on the body
Features Arctic magnets with negative energy and is usually green in color (green pole) and has a major impact on growth, which stimulates all forms of life, so should not be used in the treatment of infections and bacteria, but it had a major impact on calming nerves and remove or reduce pain; thus used more commonly in the treatment of arthritis, skin diseases, Burns, dental pain and treatment of some types of cancer, diseases of the digestive system.
As Antarctica, features a positive energy, so called red (the Red pole) and is the least used of the North Pole, but his interest in speeding up blood clots that help treat bleeding wounds, reduces abnormal calcium ions in the body. Helps dissolve fat and remove them from the walls of the arteries and veins.
Some experts also recommend magnetic therapy using the South Pole of the magnet in the treatment of the body in the southern hemisphere, using the North Pole to the magnet in the treatment of the body in the northern hemisphere.
Magnetic products
Magnetic therapy is used for a large number of golfers or various sports players basically daily; its influence in reducing the pain and heal fractures and arthritis and wound healing. And still the value of sales of products (such as magnetic earrings magnetic bracelets-magnetic slippers ... Etc.) growing up in recent years to about $ 150 million annually.
We now stand on the threshold of modern science is in fact outdated. This knowledge may lead to a dramatic shift in health care and alternative medicine over the next few years. Then it will be very strange saying that out of five disease of the body, four of which can be treated through magnetic therapy.