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electronic cigarette

What is an electronic cigarette?
 Health OF Lion heart  
Concept electronic cigarette began several years ago in China, after it launched international organizations as large as the World Health Organization many campaigns on the means of traditional smoking and was besieged smoking in workplaces, airports and public places Vfq mind major tobacco companies in China for a new way of promotion, namely electronic cigarette, then spread to the rest of the world is dependent on a battery of lithium in the form of cigarette rechargeable such as mobile phone's battery and it installed in the computer via USB or the car charger or the nearest Fish electricity and ride the capsule containing a liquid which focus particular nicotine doses vary from capsule the other in addition to other materials and different flavors such as coffee (for cigarette morning), mint, vanilla and resides in some alcohol with different concentrations and in some flavors allocated to attract young people and children, such as chocolate, strawberry and there colors especially for women like pink, and battery operated on the passage of an electric current in the liquid is produced by the steam a mixture of nicotine and propylene glycol antifreeze and sufficient capsule for about 200 puff and if you can switch ended capsule with different ones in the concentration of nicotine and flavor as well.

Not a healthy alternative to cigarettes

The electronic cigarette and that they contain different amounts of nicotine concentrations ranging fluid close to zero (0.1) mg per milliliter (50) mg per milliliter, but it's not a healthy alternative to cigarettes for several reasons:

First: you need electronic cigarette into a suction force (negative pressure) is much stronger than regular cigarette and health effects so you need to lengthy studies over the decades.

Second: the amount of nicotine learned to smoke electronic cigarette from the same capsule is stable and less after ten Cashouts of electronic cigarette therefore have smoked to increase traction self to increase nicotine extracted because the amount of nicotine depend on the strength pull self and on the amount of steam aerosol remaining inside the capsule and therefore not serve as a source supported to prevent withdrawal symptoms of nicotine, in one of the experiments took three capsules containing the same concentration of nicotine was measured nicotine in the first three Cashouts the same of each capsule, and the results were all of a sudden, where the concentration of nicotine different in each of these measurements and you ranging readings of 25 micrograms of nicotine in 100 ml of air in Puff per to about 45 micrograms and this disparity converges than doubled and is therefore not suitable as an adjunct to smoking cessation and for this reason is one of the main reasons that made marketing companies retreat from providing electronic cigarette as a "drug" helps to quit smoking to the medical community.

Third: There is no long-term studies of the human race shows it's safe to use, but the opposite is true where fought international health organizations such as the World Health Organization who Agency U.S. Food and Drug FDA and locally as well, because the nicotine reasoned essential for coronary heart and lung cancer and GERD, stomach ulcers and bladder cancer and brain clots and the impact on fertility.

Fourth: It is very expensive compared to current cigarette prices, is no treatment that anyone can use to help stop smoking gradually as companies marketed claims.

Fifth: electronic cigarette new way of marketing of tobacco so as to circumvent the anti-smoking efforts in order to increase the addiction of smoking among the different age stages and encourages young people to experience the traditional means of smoking.

Sixth: explained Agency Food and Drug U.S. that even in electronic cigarettes, which alleged it free of nicotine proven laboratory the presence of nicotine in which traces and material  a substance known medically as carcinogenic and derivative material glycol is a toxic substance used in a liquid anti freeze in cars.

Seventh: legally prevented some countries the sale of these electronic cigarettes marketed and imported such as: Australia, Canada and Brazil.

Eighth: cigarette packs regular internationally binding put 30% of the front and back pack put warning medical smoking, either electronic cigarettes  marketing companies put a warning on their website on the internet because they can be sold individually whether shipper or capsules There is no law binding for companies to date typed the electronic cigarette.

And butter speech .. The electronic cigarettes are advised to treat health treatment conventional cigarettes at all levels which is not a way to quit smoking also promoted some producers and carries damage uncertain much more than claims of potential benefits, so advised everyone constantly fight against smoking in all ways at all levels of individuals and families, organizations and governments .


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