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weakness of the woman body

Anemia treatment thinness and weakness of the human body

Thinness anemia and weak body thinness is the lack of normal weight a little or a lot, if the person is enjoying good health and vigor of no fear. One of the doctors said renowned British child slim that if active and moving vital and it does not fear him and these group of people, who are age despite the fact that their eating little and are slim phenomenon when these people is a natural phenomenon. If idle Blida patients it in such a case to be presented to the doctor because he has to be a satisfactory reason led to a thinness.

To find out whether a person thin, especially for adolescents and young adults and the elderly, there is a simple rule, easy and this weight for anyone longer than 120 cm and base here to ask amounted to 100 cm in length shall be the amount remaining is the correct weight appropriate for the person and be calculated in kilograms Had someone length of 170 cm, the weight would be 170 - 100 = 70 kg and for weight loss for example, then it is thin. The thinness arise mainly from malnutrition but that genetics play a major role. The truth is that there is slim because he came from a family all members of the lean and you should know that malnutrition does not mean lack of quantitative covered person of food, but is intended to malnutrition that a person does not address the variety of foods contain amounts of appropriate vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.

The agitation and anxiety and concerns play a role in a poor appetite. The thinness may be a continuous source of diarrhea in person as a result of the presence of intestinal parasites and worms, which do not work with normal nutrition and medicine and it should be a clinical laboratory tests and even be sure of the absence of these substances in the gut.

The thinness may be the result of depression caused by addiction to alcohol and some drugs, or an offer to certain diseases that corrupt body chemical processes. The body disorders, thyroid and endocrine diseases of the stomach and intestines have a role in the emergence of thinness. There are also serious illnesses caused a big shortage in weight, such as cancer, tuberculosis and AIDS.

Symptoms of thinness:

It symptoms pale - dry skin - hair loss - dark circles around the eyes - headache, dizziness or malnutrition or hormonal problems or certain diseases and psychological .. The person can not tense and nervous anxiety and increase weight whatever to eat unless overcome psychological problems and get rid of tension and nervousness and really give his body rest and recuperation Valrahh physical and psychological basis initially for the treatment of thinness.

Child skinny:

We hear a lot of mothers complain of poor appetite when their children, their faces pale and looks slim and the truth is that children in the stages of growth increases the length of the child faster than the increase in the weight and because they are highly mobile and play  desire to eat for their preoccupation with playing The result is thin .. To learn the normal weight for your child Alki but  years old * 2 + 8 output is normal weight. If the result is "weight" of less than 20% of normal weight shall be deemed the child is too thin, the child was healthy not complain of any health problems Malnutrition is the reason for slim. You give the child energy-dense foods and calories from carbohydrates, fats and proteins to maintain the growth of mental and physical, to compensate the missing from the body of energy caused by hyperactivity, is likely to be the child has a good appetite but weighed no more than you have to make sure of the free body of worms such as ascaris and tapeworms and other They reduce the child's appetite and intrude on their food.

And thinness in children be temporary and with proper attention to nutrition will increase weight and disappear thin and I would recommend all mothers thus:

- No pressure on the children to eat may cause pressure effect inversely so repeat child food, but nationalist talk with him and encourage him and show only one type and not more than one type Through this will Atraqan yourself a child that were not his appetite for food will not eat even if Ahdharta him 7 types and more.

- Attendance hours of sleep for comfort and growth.
- Give the child amounts of protein to maintain its growth, especially dairy, eggs, meat and beans.
- Give him a lot of carbohydrates for energy needed for his excess.
- Be given the necessary vitamins after consulting a specialist, especially vitamin B complex aperitif in the yeast - the liver - meat - bananas - the era of tomatoes, preferably natural sources for the drug.
- Keep your kitchen with food useful to him such as breakfast cereals, nuts and dried fruit to be a substitute for chips and chocolate when feeling hungry and can be given a piece of chocolate after a meal mild cheese Xandwech.
- Udi your child on a plate of fresh fruits and vegetables at a certain hour every day at dusk to inherit correct dietary habits.
- Failure to provide for your child types of candy colored and flavored soft drinks and lack of presence in your home is the first step. And باقناعه Bdharrha repeatedly and repeatedly will subconscious mind stores this and less inclination only events.
And remember, dear mother you Kidwa food Fadatk is passed on to your child.

Herbal medicines and animal derivatives and thinness:

Interfere with herbs and animal products in lean weight gain, especially if they are not infected with some of the symptoms that we have mentioned previously. The most important herbs and animal products that increase the weight of lean as follows:


We have talked in previous issues of the ring and described and chemical contents. The ring used several forms as follows:

1 - Boil a cup of water, then add the amount to 3 grams of powdered fenugreek leaves boil for one minute and then filtered and sweetened with honey and drink an average of three times a day and the person continues to use to get their desired weight. Also, the eating, green ring in putting on too much weight.

2 - taken a certain weight of fenugreek seeds are placed in the amount of water and boil on the fire four or five times and every time water again and then mash seeds well and in addition to such a weight of wheat flour soft, then add the milk cow and stir until just like soup, then add Honey sufficiently and stir a bit and then come down from the fire and used where weight increases a person and continue to so until it reaches the desired weight.

3 - taken 300 grams of fenugreek seeds crushed + kg of molasses + kg of olive oil +600 grams of wheat flour +25 grams of Amoat + sufficient amount of some nuts peeled and sesame, and the way that the Heat oil completely then add the flour with constant stirring even blush color and then add nuts and sesame while continuing to stir until blush color nuts and sesame then add the ring and Amoat with constant stirring for several minutes until you get to mix dark in pulp coherent then added to honey and stir until mixed with dough completely. Placed in a jar and eaten each day amounted to four tablespoons eat once a day, and continue to do so until they reach the desired weight with a note not to use a diabetic for this recipe.

There is also a mixture consisting of circuit kilometers and kilometers of white wheat flour and kilograms of olive oil or margarine Berri and half a kilo of honey and some nuts to operate a paste on the backburner, and eaten them Yuya  eat big.

- Figs and anise FIG and Anise

Taken amounted to 4 pills dried figs and fill a teaspoon of powdered anise and placed in a container by as much as a glass of water and then placed on the backburner until the warm water and then away from the fire and leaves soak up the figs are tender and then eaten figs and all contents in receiving container and have it daily before Breakfast and it lasts for forty days. Note diabetics should not use this recipe.

Another banger:

Figs user is dry figs where taken two grains to four tablets just soaked in milk or warm water until you are soft and add them a teaspoon of powdered anise and then drink on an empty stomach daily and considered as a breakfast and continues person slim in the use of this method for a period not less than forty days. Ideally, soak three beads of figs in filling cup warm water or milk warm, then add him fill tablespoon anise is ground cover and wait until the bulging figs and be Lena then eaten beads figs and drink everything in the cup of water and anise and once on an empty stomach daily and then eaten anything for two hours and not used at all in the evening.

Msmonh things for the body without side effects:

The dry figs Thanks TWO wetted in a glass of warm milk to be soft, then add a teaspoon of crushed aniseed drink and eaten figs on an empty stomach daily for a period of forty days .. Also, the ring of material that increases weight by taking fill a tablespoon per day, from powder ring Municipal, also mix equal than 100 grams Mahlab +100 grams candy +12 pill sweet almond mix crushed and then distributed to 24 part and take each part twice a day.

Sister Jazi military says it used figs with anise by what has already been written in the (clinic "Riyadh") to increase the weight and it's got excellent results and ask if you can use dried apricots as a substitute for Tin or not. He also says that there were vitamins pills called Alberaackstan and Msifor which provides weight, does she have the disadvantages or side effects and if there is no damage, how grain used in today?

- Sister Jazi can not replace figs Apricot understanding differ As for Alberaackstan and Masfor Vonsahk not be used because they Dharan despite they Asmonan but damage to them to keep them two Zbban diseases may evil Akbihama. There is a recipe for fattening composed of the ring + wheat flour + honey with some nuts + within my has been written about in detail in a previous issues and it's really the best and safe to use.

- Love Aziz CYPERUS

Also called nutsedge is a small nut-like tubers and acceptable taste. Taken love Aziz and beats then soaked in water for the whole night after mashing and drain and drink a hundred after that is sweetened with honey and persistent person to drink twelve days and a dose of three tablespoons each time.

- Sesame SESAME

Sesame seeds are good Almsmanat where eaten him daily amount to fill the cup was confirmed by Ibn Sina on sesame excellence in weight gain.

- Soybeans SOY BEAN

The rich soy protein with Astroyjnah material which increases the weight where he is eaten amounted to fill a cup of beans per day, where hard-boiled and eaten.

- French fries Potato

Given high calorie potato estimated four hundred to five hundred calories per half a kilo of potatoes, this is what the person needs of calories per day. Therefore fries are good Almsmanat.

- Coriander CORIANDER

Because coriander contain iron, which in turn lead to increase the number of red blood cells in the body slim and also improves hemoglobin and must address the person coriander seeds powder form where taken fill a tablespoon of the powder and يسف after each meal or can put this quantity with power and eat it all and the length of time to use coriander full month.

- Peach PEACH

Taken 50 grams of dried peaches and added to a liter of water and leave on the fire to boil for 5 minutes and then cooled confirms the average of once a day.

- Banana + whole milk

Taken TWO banana peel and then placed in a blender and add Cuba and the glass half full-fat milk and mix batcher capacity then drink full at the rate of once a day.

- Black grapes + elm

Taken amounted to a handful of the hand and placed in a bowl, then add his fist from elm and pours it half a liter of water and leave to soak for half an hour then mashing and drink full at the rate of once a day.

- Hops HOPS

Taken 30 grams of hops powder then mixed with three tablespoons pure honey and eaten twice a day.

- Amoat + sesame + Custard + sweet almond + walnut + nutmeg + Homs

Taken equal amounts of Amoat, sesame, sweet almond and walnut hummus about 50 grams Moreover, 10 grams Mahlab and one pill nutmeg and crushed all then add her half cup whole milk and two tablespoons of honey and drink once a day.

Honey + corn flour

Manuka honey is honey spring and called the course taken much fill the cup cornmeal (Habash white) and mix it with half a cup of flour plain white and then mixed with water after that added a pinch of salt and mix until the liquid substance resembling soup then pour the mixture into a bowl cake and put in the oven for ten minutes and then go out the pie from the oven and stir pot cake and then placed above three tablespoons of honey and eaten and is considered a full meal and taken once a day.

Note: You must paint the cake bowl with oil before pouring the flour mixture and order easily disarm the pie.

As for the honey, yes he provides weight, especially if taken daily ½ cup honey It increases the weight. And can be used any of Alusftin that wrote them two dry figs or the ring with wheat flour has been given way to prepare for That Alusftin with slimness and good God gives you wellness.

Roasted nuts:

Taken equal amounts about filling two tablespoons of each of almonds mountain + walnut + sesame + Nut + Homs + peanuts peeled + Ibovruh then fry them over the fire for 5 minutes and then cooled and divided into two parts part eaten in the morning and the last before going to sleep with yogurt.

Important tips:

1 - must eat fruits immediately after a meal.

2 - a lot of fresh fruit juices such as grape and Recuperator, bananas and juice cocktail.

3 - Drink whole milk at a rate three cups a day.

4 - Eat fish shrimp, crab and tilapia and canned fish such as sardines and tuna.

5 - eat Halva for breakfast.

6 - Eat at least 11 pass daily pill

Note the Prohibition of the Use recipes that honey or sugar or pass or fatty substances or bananas or grapes for people with diabetes Diabetes.

Uses the original honey is produced in the mountainous areas where there is a diversity of plant and herbal and added to the large proportion of honey cumin and quantity of Rashad and taken out of a teaspoon in the morning and evening for a period of not less than forty days.

Nuts benefit for those who suffer from thin

Aldrast modern nutrition refers to the importance of nuts, Lech food, but also as components healing Vmanuaha of metals than all its contents any fruit such as phosphorus useful to as food brain and bones, and sulfur, potassium, Vabanndq example food item important to activate career brain bones in the body and a net for children patients with severe anemia, all nuts do not contain high levels of vitamin C, it also poor in vitamin A, but it is rich in vitamin B, especially fatty acids beneficial to fuel cells.

Benefit half a kilo of nuts equivalent to 20 kilograms of beef or sheep and equivalent to 3 kg of chicken meat lean and about 2 kg of eggs this in terms of albumin in the nuts of the full type value which is equal to meat in terms of supply the body with him, but is reportedly for reasons the following:

Nuts not be urine acids (Albualek) in the body caused by meat (uric acid cause many diseases) such as the various diseases of the joints
Nuts are almost free of harmful germs in meat, especially in summer, "if well preserved"
Albumin nuts free of parasites "only Caldodh"
Nuts are eaten raw or lose something of its members because of cooking, for example,
Fat in nuts is unsaturated so Vdharrha very small percentage of meat
Diet on nuts and fresh fruit useful in the treatment of disease Kathy, such as kidney and liver disease and circulatory diseases
There is one drawback with nuts they do not suit Albdnyin (any Alqalpin for obesity)
Says studies conducted by a university in California that walnuts help reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood (LDL) during the month of taken daily in moderate proportions because it contains proportion of unsaturated fat.

- I'm a young skinny and I want to increase weight, what should I do? Thinness are underweight than normal If a person is slim enjoying health and vitality and activity not fear it. Either treatment thinness comes to food energy-rich thermal and protein as is providing the body diet provide him Bsarat more than he needs daily amounts adequate protein to help build tissue new, and can those wants to increase its weight do the following: 1 treating diseases if any .2 adequate sleep for 10 14 hours a day .3 eating nutritious food and useful without overkill .4 away from anything that causes mental disorders .5 minimize smoke or abstain from .6 eating appetizers before each meal .7 light exercise 8 to enjoy the outdoors .9 multiplication of sesame seeds, dates, sugar and fruit.

Causes loss of appetite for food:

There are many factors that lead to poor appetite and most important of these factors, the psychological factor, as the anxiety and tension and sadness lose human susceptibility to eat.

The weakness of the appetite offer important for several diseases, but is also considered one of the main reasons for many of the diseases that are caused by poor nutrition, such as anemia and anemia and otherwise.

The doctor human or psychological well could put his finger on the reason which leads to the patient's poor appetite, and then appropriate treatment can be described and determine the appropriate methods to open the appetite to eat.

And a special recipe open appetite and obesity

Recipe consists of black bean by 50 grams, my circuit 500 grams Ginseng 100 grams cane Aldhirarh 100 grams.

Crushed ingredients finely crushed and kept in a dark box anti-light well judged lid and taken from this mixture a teaspoon before eating once in the morning and again in the evening.

Dates and milk .. Natural sources open appetite and feed objects meager

The loss of appetite for food to is normal and happens a lot in the class of people in different ages and is subject to several factors, which may be one of them sufficient reason for the loss of food cravings or perhaps for a specific type of food, in particular, where a lot of people do not like a certain food either Oedipus or perhaps to not approve the taste and smell of eating a person or perhaps for other reasons.

Natural Resources to open the appetite and strengthen the meager objects:

- Dates and milk Schedules And Milk
Dates soaked in milk for six hours and then eat the patient opens his desire for food. There is no doubt that these two sources are considered one of the richest in minerals and vitamins, amino acids and sugars, protein and fatty substances where is one of the best nutrients, and should people with diabetes do not use this recipe.

Fenugreek Fenugreek
The boiling ring of material Almshahyh to eat and the way that Tuchz fill teaspoon of fenugreek and placed in the municipal filling a glass of water and then boiled on the fire for a period of 1/4 hours and then filtered and drink after sweeten with honey or sugar before a meal half an hour.
I have been told about the ring "if people knew, including the benefits bought its weight in gold." Wheat is the food for all humans since the emergence of history and two articles with milk and honey and ghee is one of the recipes good for fattening and special نحفاء and the way to be taken 1/2 kilo of fenugreek seeds are then placed in a bowl and add the covered water and when boiling يزاح water and replace water again and leave to boil Then يزاح and repeat the process four times and then mash fenugreek seeds and add them milk and placed over the fire and move, then added her 1/2 kilo wheat flour and add a little bit with the move to the fire until the end of quantitative and consists porridge loose then يزاح from the fire and add the filling tablespoon margarine My mixed with porridge well, then add fill a small cup natural honey and stir until well-mixed and then placed this mixture in a glass container and ruled to close and kept in the refrigerator and taken from daily tablespoon until

Vinegar Vinegar
Using grape or apple vinegar and adding it to the power and add a teaspoon of vinegar to fill a glass of water on the dining table and drink at intervals during lunch helps to open the appetite and swallow food.
- Or a thousand paper Achelia
Or thousands of paper, also known Balakhilaa or thousandth paper and also known as hashish carpenters and the way be taken to fill a teaspoon of powdered herb dry or chopped herb fresh and placed in a glass jar and add them boiled water, then cover the cup and leave for 15 minutes and then filtered and drink once in the morning after breakfast and another immediately after dinner.
- Thermos Termis
It is known that lupine rich in calcium and phosphorus and lupine improves appetite and strengthens the body and the way that Yuhz 250 g of lupine seeds and purified well and then soaked in water for a period of 24 consecutive hours that change the water every six hours and collect water aside, then boiled then with a new batch of water for one hour on fire and then filtered water and re-soaked again after that for another 24 hours and then filtered and eaten after he added a pinch of salt and lemon. This recipe is also good for people with diabetes as it reduces blood sugar. Can use water drenched thermos  good teeth and good hair lotion for both sexes.
- Anise Anise
Contains the fruits of anise on the essential oils and the most important compounds Alanathol which helps the digestive process and the way that take full tablespoon of the fruits of anise and placed in a cup and then fill with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes then drain and drink once after breakfast and another after dinner and this recipe is good for appetite., Described: placed fig and star anise with a little water in a pot and leave a little bit on the backburner and attends slim breakfast of this mixture for a period of forty days.

Second recipe: put 150 grams of the ring in the amount of water and boil on the fire four or five times and every time water again and then crushed finely and add to it, such as the weight of the flour soft and add the milk cow until consists syrup mature and then in addition to honey and stir a bit to the fire and a hot drink.
- Onion Onion
It is known that onions unappetizing food and it is taken in the onion the size of a chicken-and-egg eaten once with food and the other with dinner daily. And onions nourishes and cleanses the intestines and strengthens the body and kills germs stomach. And must eat fresh parsley after eating onions to stop the smell of onions known.
- Garlic Garlic
Garlic is considered the richest herbal substances effective and most influential on several diseases in addition to that is appetizing good and gives the body strength unmatched a right food, medicine and eating Ovsas garlic with food or with power by 3 to 6 Ovsas per day and can be rewarding fresh or cooked.
- Linden Tilia
Linden also known Baletilio The linden savory herbs and tonic to the body that takes the teaspoon in a cup and then fill with boiling water and then covered for 15 minutes and drain and drink before meals throughout the day.
- Rue Ruta
The rue one aromatic plants aperitifs where several papers taken fresh from the rue grown anywhere and grow spontaneously in the southern parts of the Kingdom and eaten with fresh bread.
- Thyme, Thymus
The Thyme of the most famous plants that are used in countries Mediterranean basin where used widely Kmshahy and also increases the durability and tonic for the immune system and the way that take full teaspoon of thyme and devastating top of the food or mixed with olive oil or Sesame oil and eaten with bread.

Taken equal amounts of oatmeal, wheat and barley Mankhool then blends together and put the pot on the fire with water about the size of flour mixture and at the beginning of boiling WeatherBug flour over the water and stir Tharika well and add the flour Hia slowly with constant stirring until the exact amount consists porridge soft, then add her little from the original honey and eaten with meals or separate from them and given to children more because of the benefits.
Licorice Liquirice
We have talked a lot about licorice and reminded us that it contains substances similar to cortisone but not to cause side effects caused by cortisone. The race mite of the best drugs in the treatment of blood diseases and it it is useful for the treatment of anemia, but should not be used by patients who suffer from high blood pressure and dose of powdered roots race mite is to fill a teaspoon to fill a glass of cold water and stir well and drink once in today.
Chinese fruits Kababh Cubaba
Kababh Chinese are similar in form to black pepper, however, there a small rise at the edge of the navel and the area contains Kababh Chinese essential oils, alkaloids and is considered one of the best appetizers, where taken teaspoon of powder after each meal. They also soothing Mhima.
Celery Apium
Celery a plant famous used with power or eaten as is or works it boiled celery contains the most important materials useful to the human body, such as vitamins A, B, C and minerals calcium, iodine, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and is one of the فواتح appetite famous .
Cumin Cumin
The latency of the most popular spices and months appetizers and the best way to use cumin handful Dhar cumin powder on food slices with a little vinegar.
Alshakoraa Green Chicory
It is known that the fresh green Hakoraa effect to open the appetite and is well known that poor farmers rely on them as a major food with cheese, especially the old cheese known "Palmh" and can eat any amount of them they Mhima and salted.
Walnut leaves Willow
Walnut leaves are used fresh Kmshahyh taken a fist and placed in a glass, then add boiling water until the cup is full then stir well and leave for 15 minutes, then strain and drink small doses by 1/3 cup with each meal.
Broccoli Cauli Flower
Broccoli, which is also known as a cauliflower plant winter but Aaakl usually cooked broccoli is considered by research from more vegetables strengthen the body because it contains phosphorus and should not be eaten with the Sudanese beans in order to not taking place bulges or gas in the stomach.
To cinnamon or aspiring scholars from famous herbal spice they contain the essential oils and the most important compound is The Alsnmaldhid contributing to the effect. And good appetizing cinnamon. When taken Mamekdarh fill a teaspoon of powder and added to the crust and fill a glass bowl of water and then put on the fire and leave to boil and stir well and then emptied in a glass jar and can be analyzed with a spoon honey and drink.
Radish Radish
The preferred type Red pushed the leaves and eaten with the meal Mamekdarh 4 to 5 cloves must be young and fresh and beware of using horseradish fragile from the inside it is useless. The radish of substances that affect Kmshahyh to eat and contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iodine, sulfur, iron, manganese, radishes should not be used by people who suffer from the weakness in the digestive tract, as well as patients with liver disease.
Shami installment Bryone
Using straight-Shami plant roots widely to open the appetite.
Abu scalp Lovely Chestnut
Known as Abu Estna scalp and Shah oak Abu scalp is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, which is very helpful in building the body. Eaten Abu scalp raw or grilled on charcoal or inside the oven and prevents eaten by ill indigestion, liver and sugar. The Abu scalp of sex steroids.
Alemramah - Algosaian Sauge
Used Algosaian in countries Mediterranean as appetizing to eat where taken Mamekdarh fist of the plant and placed in a large bowl relatively then pours it amounted to 1/2 liter of boiling water and cover for between 10 - 15 minutes and then filtered and drink it a cup after each meal, especially when Go to sleep.
Muftfah Muffattigha
This recipe uses the  who wish to obesity which is composed of the ring municipal and bean green cumin, honey palms pure and know the Attari Egypt jam (bead cow) or jam Bead and the way to be taken equal parts of the ring and bean green and crush well, then add them to fill a teaspoon of cumin and mix natural honey even be in the form of soft dough and taken daily spoonful in the morning and again in the evening with stored in the refrigerator.
Flowers hops HOPS
Used flowers hops in the Levant Kvathh of appetite where taken fill a tablespoon of powdered herb and soak in filling a cup of water for 12 hours and addresses him the person filling a cup before meals, attend drenched the next day ahead of schedule duration twelve hours, and so on.
Chickpeas cicer
Chickpea seeds are very rich materials protonated and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, iron, which is very handy and fattened at the same time. And deals with one person a handful of chickpeas in the middle of a meal only during the day. And should not be eating hummus or excessive eating by the owners prepared weak as it is heavy to digest.
Mustard Mustard
The use of crushed mustard seeds in moderation with food unappetizing person deals with mustard an average of five pills just before lunch and can be crushed and sprinkled over the rice or vegetables or salads. You should not use mustard infected by indigestion, liver disease, heart and rheumatism important .


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