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Tomatoes & cancer

White areas in the mouth

White in the mouth an abnormal condition before cancer characterized by white sheets or areas cannot be stripped or removed.
Where new medical study published by the journal Science benign mouth, eating fruit one tomato a day reflects the damage in the oral cavity and reduces the risk of cancerous lesions.
The researchers found that the compound "laikobin" antioxidant found in tomatoes reduces the symptoms of an abnormal condition appears in the mouth known as alltakh or white Keratoses, this helps in reducing the size of the sheets of solid, Oral lesions and reflects changes in the cells prior to cancer arising from that situation.
Doctors said that alltakh white in the mouth is an abnormal condition before cancer appears in the mouth a white sheets or areas cannot be stripped or removed, often grow into cheeks, but may also appear on the gums, tongue, palate and inside the lips, smokers or those who use tobacco gum up the danger of the situation.
Studies have shown that people who eat large quantities of tomatoes and foods derived from them less susceptible to beltakh mouth white and reduced risk of some types of cancers in the mouth and throat, throat, esophagus, these fruits contain large amounts of Red antioxidant Lycopene.
The researchers in the new study followed 58 people wounded white balltakh divided into three treatment groups, first received 8 mg of lycopene per day for 3 months, while the second half dose of lycopene for the same duration as the third regular discs with idle, then check all the participants and monitor the number of smears of white in their mouths every week to 10 days during treatment, textile samples were examined to assess the degree of changes in cancer cells at the beginning and end of the study.
Experts found that 55 per cent of the first group showed complete response to the disappearance of all white smears during at least four weeks, compared to 25 percent in the placebo group, compared with one in the third, and the general improvement in the three groups of 80 per cent, 66 per cent and 12 per cent respectively.
She analyses the textile samples to two doses of alaikobin for about 8 milligrams or half, were effective in reducing lesions in the mouth, the higher dose achieved better results.
The researchers noted that it is possible to get 8 milligrams of lycopene intake of five ounces of tomato, thus alerting the body better able to absorb the useful article of tomato sauces as compared to raw or fruit juice.
There is also a lycopene other food sources such as watermelon red, frankinsence and with presence in the form of supplements or nutritional status.


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