Olive oil
It is certain that the olive tree native to the Middle East
The history of cultivation, has been known since the days of the Pharaohs and the city of Fayoum, Egypt was the region that are interested in it.
Food value:
Olive oil is a liquid substance only used fresh condition and are reserving the entire biological characteristics, including vitamins, and the best advice for olive growers and oil producers are hunter-gatherers and sent directly to the oil mill.
Agency (Reuters) the Albanian national is the oldest among his counterparts in the European continent, he said that although Albania is one of the poorest European country but people with good health and longevity, the study attributed to the diet of the Albanian people and its dependence on olive oil, fruits and vegetables, called (Mediterranean diet).
And studies have shown that this system guarantees a potent body against chronic diseases, reported that olive oil contains unsaturated fat, and are safer for the body from saturated oils.
Medical use:
Drink the poisoned oil benefits stomach and called her pain goes out live worms, and numerous benefits, and all the fat weaken stomach only oil, and olive oil is easily digested by giving doctors recommend for children with bread at the beginning of their reign with food to build their body and prevent injury with bowlegs or rickets as well as olive oil contains vitamins and various material (allibued) direct and effective impact on feeding brain tissue, And oil in the treatment of constipation and intestinal cramping and organization of the work of the nervous system and the renewal of public activity, it is the vegetable that doesn't affect on blood cholesterol. And green olives cold dry good food and tonic for the stomach, either black, icky stomach, and olive leaf benefits of Chew castles of the mouth.