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Seeds, leaves, roots

Seeds, leaves, roots

A semi-annual plant, grows wild in most parts of Europe, temperate climate, especially the Mediterranean beaches and extends eastward to India. And wild fennel is about parts of the world, and uses fennel, especially seeds, cultivated in the South of France and Saxony, Russia, Iran, and India.
History of fennel:
Defined by the ancients, and planted by the Romans, and pliny have described that fennel about 20 kinds of therapeutic and medicinal benefits, noting that snakes eat them when take off the skin and strengthens its peeling with snakes fennel to the plant juice flows into the eye, this theory also believed to botanists.
Fennel is mentioned in cookbooks and medicine, as well as the fennel is mentioned in records dated Spanish Agriculture.
The Emperor Charlemagne played an important role in the dissemination of fennel and cultivation into Central Europe, where he was admired by growing fennel in the imperial gardens.
The fennel in combination blends fennel business are variable and not fixed.
Fenchone is oil that gives medical benefit fennel. \0
-Oil alfa.
-Oil Phellandrine.
-Acid Anisic acid.
- Anisic aldehyde .
Sometimes Limonite.
Uses and benefits of medicinal: fennel
1. smell good and mcraa and mgsha and is used with laxatives to remove the side-effects of medicines facilitating, such as cramping, usually mixed with licorice.
2. fennel water (juice) has the same effect on the anise and typically three blends: water alkerbonh water and fennel, anise for drugs such as so-called water strange, is used to remove flatus and bloating and colic in children.
3. use fennel in the treatment of diseases of the chest and cough, asthma, allergies, bronchial spasm (boiled fennel + honey).
4. the fleas don't like the smell of fennel, fennel powder, therefore disperse to flush the fleas from the stables.
5. the Italian and French used fennel leaves power with the rest of the vegetables, either when the Romans were used by bakers in the furnaces under the loaves to give good flavor and taste loaves.
6. using thin ribs in Italy for making soup.
7. used in the Levant in the mixed omelette.
8. milk-producing and using of nifaas.
9. used as sedative for children, such as deodorant and wind puff emitters for colic which annoys children, prevents sleep.
10. sexy delicious food.
11. traditional indication fennel oil in England to remove inflammatory and painful joints and rheumatism.
12. used with other materials in cases of cardiac compression and acceleration of EKG.
13. the large intestine the cecum spells tranquilizer, vermifuge flatus.
14. tonic for sight.
15. Since the small molecules of low atomic weight fennel, they penetrate the barriers in the body and into the remote areas of the body, and can be used when consuming a medication to increase the effect of the medicine, and spread the body (with vitamins, for example).
16. reduced arterial pressure.
17. uterine tonic, it frequently prevents pregnancy for fear of abortion.


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