Here your site offers suggestions for foods that help prevent breast cancer.
1. flax seeds
The Omega
-3 acids in seeds and flax oil shield prevention against cancer cells are responsible for triggering breast cancer, so make sure to use oil in the preparation of the authorities, and flax seeds in baked goods such as cookies or muffins.
2. nut
Natural fibres are available in nuts in General, and specifically in nuts is working to strengthen the immune system against diseases, and inhibit the growth of malignant tumors in the breast.
Always what doctors recommend to eat pomegranates to help women prevent breast cancer, because it contains a substance (polyphenols), an acid that contains antioxidant properties prevent cancer cells from growing.
4. salmon
Salmon contain vitamin B12 and D, plus Omega-3 acids making it one of the most important nutrients necessary to regulate cell growth and prevent the formation of cancer, especially if eating roast alongside a dish of salad.
5. broccoli
In addition to its ability to fight breast cancer, broccoli help prevent also of other types of cancers like bladder and Lymphoma, lung cancer, due to its song by sulforophane.
6. Green tea
Many medical studies have linked between regular consumption of green tea and reduced the incidence of breast cancer, eating a cup or two cups of green tea a day enhances the immune system against cancer.
7. turmeric
Few turmeric added to your food may help prevent a number of cancers, including breast, lung, skin.
8. garlic
Swallowing garlic pill each morning can help you a lot in the fight against breast cancer, as well as many other species such as colon cancer, containing garlic (selenium) in large quantities gives it an oxidation effect helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
9. leafy vegetables
The special dark leafy vegetables such as Kale, cabbage, chard, spinach, one of the most important foods that help your body ward off cancer cells to its natural fibers and vitamin B.
10. peppers of all kinds
Is a pepper plant nutrients that help protect against breast cancer, as it contains antioxidants, here are all kinds of interest even chili.