Education Forex alforkstalim
You learn Forex section where you can learn how to trade in the foreign exchange market (Forex) and terminology of various trading strategies. Forex education is for everyone and offers all the lessons and information needed by rolling the particularly if the beginner in this area.
What is Forex?
Forex trading is the trading of certain country's currency for another. Forex is the largest financial market in the world, comparable with three trillion dollars a day, more than three times the total amount of the US stock market and the Treasury finance together. Unlike the rest of the financial markets that operate on a specific area, the iFOREX has no specific region. It's global electronic network of banks, financial institutions and individuals, all Forex traders involved in the buying and selling of national currencies. A great feature of the Forex market is that the market operates around the clock, in line with the opening hours and closing of financial centers around the world. At any time, in any place, of buying and selling, which makes the Forex market the most liquid market in the world. Traditionally, the only way for small investors to access the Forex market is the way banks were dealing with large amounts of currency for trade and investment. Trading volume grew with the passage of time, specifically after allowing deployment of exchange rates in the year 900 thousand and seventy-one. Today, importers and exporters, global portfolio managers, global companies, speculators, day traders, long-term bondholders, hedge all use the Forex market to pay for goods and services, dealing with financial savings or to reduce risk from currency movements to enclosed detection for other markets.
What is traded on Forex?
The simple answer is money/currency. Forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker or dealer, and traded in pairs, for example Euro/US dollar (EUR/USD), or pound sterling and Japanese yen (USD/JPY).
You don't buy anything material, this type of trade can be confusing. Consider buying the currency as buying a share in a particular country. When buying, say Japanese yen, you actually buys a share in the Japanese economy, as the currency rate is a direct reflection of what the market thinks about the current and future health status of the Japanese economy. Thus, in General, the exchange rate for the currency against other currencies is a reflection of the State of the economy in this country, compared with the economies of other countries.
Exchange rate is determined by a number of factors, the most important are the economic and political conditions in the country of origin. Political stability, inflation and interest rates, are all factors that affect the price of any currency. In addition, Governments can try to control the price of their currency as causing a surplus in the market (price reduction) or buying extensively (to raise prices). However, because of the sheer volume of foreign currency, it is impossible for a single control on the market for any length of time. Market forces will prevail in the long term, making Forex is one of the most investment opportunities open and fair.
Unlike other financial markets like the New York Stock Exchange, there is no place nor the Central Bank's Forex market. The interbank market, currency market, due to the fact that the entire market is run electronically, within a network of banks, and continuously over a 24-hour period.
What currencies are traded?
The dollar is the most traded currency, because on one side of the 89% of all transactions. The share of the euro is in second place with 37%, while the Japanese Yen recorded a 20%. Below you can view the most commonly used currencies with their symbols:
USD: United States-dollar (or buck)
EUR: members of the euro-the euro (or fiber)
JPY: Japan-yen (JPY)
GBP: Great Britain-British pound (or cable)
Switzerland: CHF-franc (or Gabriel)
CAD: Canada-dollar (or color)
Australia: AUD-USD (or Ozzy)
NZD: New Zealand-dollar (or Kiwi)
Forex currency symbols are always composed of three characters, where the first two characters identify the country name and the third character specifies the name of the currency of the country.