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losing weight

Our mothers and our grandmothers guidance of traditional titles of magazines and television programs, women receive continuous «» especially in ways that maintain health. But, before you let oneself go drinking diet soda pounds to follow a strict diet, or a particular approach of behaviors that may be more harm than good, we must reconsider the healthy habits ...

Eating and drinking:

1 water flavored:

Fruit flavor might seem a great way to increase the amount of water you drink every day, but the water flavoring, such as vitamin Water and Vitamin water water smart Smart Water, contain a lot of sugar.
Health: avoid artificially sweetened water, my fruit with water.

2 Granola Granola and plates:

Granola Granola are made from whole grains. But if you eat Granola or Granola bars, you should realize that the calories present in very high, and often contain a lot of sugar.
Health: it is best that you replace her with candy.

3 vitamins and supplements:

Studies have shown that taking vitamins in pill form may not have any positive impact on long-term health.
Health: most people are getting all the vitamins they need from their food, and replace this food pills supplements the body loses the benefits of other vehicles available in the wild.
4 low-fat foods:
While avoid eating some fat can help weight loss, we may lose some big health benefits available for example in omega 3, as capacity development and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Health: think twice before you avoid fat like fat salmon.
5 skip meals:
Skipping meals is not relieved from calories for a long period of time, as the abandonment of certain meal leads to overeating at other meals.
Health: choose healthy lunch time.
6 refrain from dessert:
Don't deprive yourself of your favorite candy. If you like double chocolate cake, enjoy a few dinner allowance can earn you more calories.
7 diet soda:
These drinks may not be your best friend. Scientists say that many of those calorie-free beverages can cause damage to health, such as diabetes, can lead to weight gain and craving for sweet food in a way that cannot be controlled.
Health: avoid soda, and choose instead a natural drinks.
8 microwave meals diet:
Frozen meals are packed with a lot of sodium, while lacking the necessary calories and vegetables.
Health: If you don't have time to prepare food on a daily basis, prepare a large batch of your favorite meal on weekends and freeze portions in the refrigerator, covered in stages during the week.
9 bake multi grain wheat bread:
Terms such as «grains» and «seven» grains, all point to a sound and healthy food, but they may not actually contain whole grains, are beneficial to the heart. The bread is usually labeled "multi grain" producers of cereals, this type does not give you whole grain food.
Health: to learn whether the bread made from whole grains, read the food label attached to it. If it was written in the components list «white flour or wheat flour is supported, this means that it offers you 100% whole grain food.
10 authorities for sale:
Do you suppose that anything listed under the word "authority" must be healthy. The tuna salad prepared already, chicken and shrimp are rich in fat and calories because they contain mayonnaise. So, the tuna sandwich that contains 700 calories and 40 grams of fat.
Health: choose the Authority prepared low-fat mayonnaise, and not the quantity set size playing cards.
Dangers of microwave oven
Juice Diet

Eating unhealthy-13-eating dates fixed
Organizing human life starts with eating ... So highly recommended doctor Mohamed Raga and introduces us to the benefits of eating dates fixed

11 bottled water:
Some bottled water bottles contain bacteria or chemicals, as a result of packing in plastic.
Health: work to purify tap water filter, instead.
12 slabs of protein:
Do not vary much protein Granola bars, they are often high calories and rich in sugar, which is not what the exact body after exercise.
Health: choose a healthy snack with a high percentage of protein.
13 peanut butter
Low-fat peanut butter is not necessarily healthier version of peanut butter. Read the food label tells you that both peanut butter and low-fat butter contain about the same amount of calories as the low-fat butter contains a higher proportion of sugar.
Health: the regular peanut butter natural source of monounsaturated fat. So, choose natural butter does not contain added oils, make sure to read the food label attached.
14 juices:
Even in most chains cafes and juice, looks healthy juices. However, most are made from fruit mixed with low-fat milk, and disproportionately large shares in total. It also dealt with other foods contain a lot of sugar added, such as ice cream, soft drinks, making them high calorie.
Health: eat the juice might be a great way to start the day or to refuel after exercise. Remember only calculate calories consumed


15 slices Turkey:

Turkey Turkey is an excellent source of lean protein, a good choice for a quick lunch or dinner, but, in fact, many are stored slides turkeys with sodium. It is a specific type of okes some brands contain approximately one third of the maximum recommended daily sodium intake.
Health: make sure to buy a few items of sodium or choose sliced fresh turkeys. If you can't Shih yourself, what you are doing is the best find the logo with their product less than 350 mg of sodium per okes.

16 sports drinks:

While most sports drinks contain essential nutrients for intense workouts, such as potassium and sodium, it is not appropriate to pursue active light as going for a walk or do some housework, since many sports drinks contain 125 calories or more, in a 20-ounce bottle.
Health: to spare yourself the extra calories, choose plain water or low-calorie beverages, to maintain the humidity of your body.
Soft drinks and sparkling as the health dangers of smoking
Three risks prevent you from eating soda
Hygiene and health

17 hot tubs:

May be super comfortable, but the hot tubs are for bacteria and germs, and may cause rashes you indispensable.
Health: broiling them shower you follow him in Peshawar with cold water works holding skin stimulus.

18 SOAP of antibiotics:

It may not be useful antibiotics SOAP shower tags as ordinary SOAP shower, when you want to stay clean.
19 brushing teeth
After every meal:
Just touched the candy does not mean that we must automatically clean our teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Health: you must wait at least 30 minutes after a meal, so that the saliva of neutralizing acids in the mouth and strengthen enamel.
20 avoid the Sun:
While intense exposure to the Sun can cause bad Burns, avoid the Sun may lead to vitamin D, responsible for bone growth and maintenance of healthy muscles.
Soft drinks behind obesity
Soft drinks cause stroke

Integrated health-meal items 17 unhealthy eating.
In this episode we learn with Mohamed Ragab on elements of a healthy diet and what we must avoid it. And, of course, may have a completely different point of view ...

21 shower daily:

Frequent bathing irritations and baked.
Health: If you really need to make him be affectionate yourself, sprinkle with some perfume or Cologne and me for the next day.

22 make up missed sleep:

You can't make up for what you missed sleep, this is very difficult.
Health: instead of reducing hours and compensation for sleep later, NAMI 9-7 hours in the night.

23 sitting straight up:

May be sitting straight up bad for the back.
Health: can choose desk without seat to work Standing Desk.
24 cleaning sterilization products:
There is some evidence that some chemicals in sterile products can lead to asthma.
Health: simply use ordinary cleaning products or detergents are relatively free of chemicals, instead.
25 do only cardio vascular
Walking is great, but don't give up on weights in conjunction with walking. Train me to burn fat and get soft.

26 do lots of grinding exercises:

A lot of these exercises will help you get a flat stomach.
Health: instead, try running, lifting light weights, and adjust your diet.

27 deep breathing of the breast:

Whether you run the last lap or you are destined to the basketball court, avoid deep breathing from your chest.
Health: breathing process more effective and healthy during athletic performance, remember to use the diaphragm Diaphragm!
28 hard stretch before exercise:
When warming up, would stretch hard, consistent position for a period of time, to prevent muscle spasm pain.
Health: avoid static movements and replace them with dynamic movements, such as the squat or lift knees high.

29 machines lifting weights:

Most of the lifting machines focus on the training of one point of your joints, so they fail to improve the balance of the muscles and burn calories.
Health: the best squat exercises
Or exercises the Kettle bell ball.

30 go to gym daily aerobics:
Exercise is essential and important, but spend a lot of time in the gym can leave little time for the muscles to recover him, as well as the comfort of the soul and the mind.
Health: make sure you get at least a day or two of rest, and exercise the rest of the week.


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