Tap’s Men’s health
One man alone cannot have a good sexual health man without good general men's health and always looking for ways to maintain sexual health and forget the public health interest man indeed, men's health and maintain sexual connection with the lifestyle, a healthy diet and live a good lifestyle prevents men from many diseases and preserve health of man and the citizen.
Top tips for maintaining the health of men.
1. one of the most important things that affect the health of the man nationality is the quality of foods covered by men and the diet so it is important that the man during the day, plenty of foods containing antioxidants that are mogoh in vegetables and fruit and dark chocolate to combat cancer and antioxidants to promote men's health and sexual health.
2. the water to purify the body and maintains healthy men and the water provides energy to the body that you need men's health sex therefore must drink the man during the day from 2 to 3 litres of water.
3. exercise of endurance exercises greatly help men maintain healthy sexual man through increased fitness and strengthen your legs and stimulate circulation, which addresses the problems of erectile therefore exercise endurance of 20 to 30 minutes twice a week helps greatly in maintaining the health of man and the citizen.
4. men's health also affect general sexual life any sexual problem in men's health can affect general health for example any blockages in the arteries of the penis leads directly to the clogged coronary arteries and therefore cannot ignore man's problem of erectile dysfunction or inability of monuments and see your doctor in order to avoid clogging of the arteries and heart attacks or strokes.
5. the number of hours of sleep is enough is a magical cure for the many problems facing the men's health particularly sexual problems where scientific research proved that the man at night is capable of an erection of 4 to 5 times the exercises of the penis and helps to increase sexual potency in men.
6. the most serious problems threatening the health of the man nationality is the prostate diseases, especially if there are no injuries to the man's family of prostate cancer and the disease is difficult to detect the man himself therefore your doctor once a year and undergo clinical detection help early diagnosis of diseases of the prostate and men's health protection from many of the risks.
Finally, it is important to be aware dear man that prevention is better than cure and you if you follow health habits and change of lifestyle will maintain overall health and sexual risks and diseases