The importance of sport and its effectiveness
Transformation of sport without an increase in weight and challenge from melting muscle which accelerates after age 50. But when is the most effective sports? Here's the answer on what comes.
At the age of 30, generally beginning in the body weight gain. Women weight increases for two reasons: first, because the lifestyle becomes more sitting (between work and kids and family life), and later because of the hormones. However, modern European study showed that during the past 12 years, the percentage of overweight steadily so that the average waist women 5 cm, although larger space allocation for physical activity in our lives. Reiterates the importance of doctors walking 30 minutes every day, 5 times a week, the number of clubs increased significantly in all regions. Needless to say that regular physical activity is essential to overall health and general well-being, and helps to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. But physical activity really effective in getting rid of excess weight? What follows is an overview of a number of common ideas related to sport and its impact on health and fitness.
Sports help to slim, yes or no?
Physical activity by itself, no. But it prevents loss of muscle mass, and thus prevents weight gain indirectly. It also allows the use of fat rather than stored in the body. So, instead of talking about the sport to avoid excess weight, it is advisable to pay more attention to physical activity by itself. Indeed, just standing consumes 1.5 energy of those consumed during rest (i.e. 50 percent more). The slow and moderate walks (when hiking with your dog, for example) or fast, climb ladders and perform housework and gardening are good physical activities.
What is the importance of regular exercise?
Studies have shown that when walking at least 30 minutes, five times a week, fast paced, you can maintain a normal weight. This is true also on a parallel activity spread over 30 minutes (swimming, dance, ride the bike ...) or 3 short sessions of 10 minutes in the daytime.
What is most efficient types? And in any rhythm?
To reduce fat mass, the focus is on endurance activities, any activities (at least 30 minutes) and very dense (such as walking, swimming, ride on a bike). If, for example, recommends walking half an hour every day. But recent studies have shown that exercise 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three times a day (such as jogging or tennis or dance ...) or blending light and powerful activities with some very useful too. To maintain muscle mass, must be strengthened through the exercise of a series of soft exercises together with weights. And no need to buy loads of sporting goods stores, you can use small water bottles or SOCKS filled with sand to turn the shoulders and arms and legs. Marcy these exercises twice a week, for at least 20 minutes. What is important is to have a daily workout sessions.
Do you exercise the muscles of the abdomen and waist really effective?
Yes, provided not only two short strings of 5 exercises for abdominal muscles. Specialists recommend a workout for 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week at least, taking care to exercise the muscles of the upper and lower and side abdominal oblique muscles, misaligned the adoption of correct movements.
Can help to improve de-obesity finding creams be used immediately before sport?
Yes because the result become more positive. The creams are effective de-obesity waist and thighs, it helps to drain significantly, with the easing in swelling at the level of tissues. Hope can get rid of some alsentimrat, that's a positive thing.
Stiffness is the result of a positive sport?
Does. Stiffness is simply evidence of microscopic muscle lesions can be treated with aspirin. No need to feel the pain of physical activity to be effective.
Do you turn fat into muscle?
No, it is impossible to turn fat into muscle because it is a completely different texture. A fat, fat with muscle, composed of protein. What happens in fact is that to run the muscle during physical activity, exhausted body «fuel» from fat reserves and this is specifically job (store energy for use when needed).
Is it true that sweating helps weight loss?
No, you must get rid of the fat with sweating only helps get rid of water and mineral salts and toxins in very limited quantities.
Why become a thin difficult menopause?
This is not true. It is true that male hormones produced by the women is balancing the natural female hormones, so women start suddenly note fatter at the abdomen, arms, just like men. However, abdominal fat is very sensitive, and could be disposed of easily when doing physical activity or reducing the number of calories. If physical activity than usual, waist circumference is declining rapidly and significantly, but this is due to the increase for any decline.