Immune herbs
What are these herbs and how they are used? Here is a list of the most useful herbs to strengthen your immune system.
Spreading the flu in winter and cause discomfort for most of us, absenteeism, and in very difficult cases may end up with the death of the patient. The most important thing is to prepare our profile well to cope with the disease, and there are some herbs that help us in this.
Health institutions in most developed countries, vaccination of the population every year, vaccine influenza types deployed in that season. However there may be different types of influenza viruses not covered by vaccination, which shows people, especially those who suffer from disorders of the immune system, they are more susceptible to the disease and its complications.
This, we must strengthen the immune system to reduce the likelihood of contagion by the flu virus.
There are several methods of enhancing immune on alternative medicine: herbal medicine, nutrition, supplements, homeopathy (Homeopathy), imaginative guidance (Guided affective imagery) and osteopathy (Osteopathy).
Correct use of medicinal herbs:
Knew the use of medicinal herbs for the prevention and treatment of influenza and respiratory tract infections in folk medicine for different peoples. Been studying some of these medicinal herbs, and found it actually effective in shortening the days the disease influenza or respiratory tract infections.
Need attention here, that herbal medical research, was used in the search conditions with specific methods, in terms of method, focus and level of quality control. Many of the herbs studied, available today on the market, but in different and various production quality on those search conditions, so are likely to be the results of the use of these products on the market different from that conducted the research.
Also, there is great importance to choose the right plant and use its divisions properly, it is also important to choose a product made from the plant and approached.
Enhanced impact of the herbal immune system:
The plant alkonvzeih (akhnasia-Echinacea).
Laboratory research shows that the plant is intended for strengthening the immune system, in alkonvzeih many active substances of the plant affects the immune system, including materials, effective in sterilization and extermination of viruses and bacteria. Eating this plant helps activate the immune system in the body. Plant variety, the "Purple alkonvzeih" (Echinacea Purpurea) are the most effective of them. Research has shown that this herb altdwai reduced morbidity rate in the upper respiratory tract by 58% and reduced the length of the disease by a day and a half.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcussenticosus).
The Siberian llginsing wetathira features of most organs of the body. The plant has conducted a lot of research in the former Soviet Union era. It has proved particularly effective in preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract and prevention of influenza. Research has shown that large groups of people to the incidence of influenza by 30% in the Group of persons who consumed plant, compared to other groups. As is the case with alakhnasia (alkonvzeih plant) may find a variety of quality Siberian Ginseng products on the market. Must ensure that the product at the correct time. Some lotions recommend addressed soon dining time, eating in this time may harm in absorption.
Garlic (Allium Sativum).
Custom use garlic since the time of ancient Egyptians, and use in different cultures around the world for prevention of influenza and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Of all the effects of the drug, also known as garlic effective antibacterial/antiviral/anti-fungal/anti parasites. The many experiments have shown that garlic effective antibacterial minute than any other antibacterial material. In addition, the effect of an enhanced immune system. In a research conducted to determine therapeutic qualities, show that morbidity in people who ate garlic, lower than others (the control group) by 64%.
Propolis (bee-wax Propolis).
Although propolis wax from the Supers of bees, but is of medicinal herbs. In a research conducted on the use of a mixture of alakhnasia (alkonvzeih plant), propolis and vitamin c (c) showed a significant decline, according to statistical measures, the incidence of upper respiratory tract diseases in children.