Gbetlkm is a very important topic about foods and herbs, oils-LY increase the secretion of testosterone for maximum needs him as players bodybuilder and his presence at the head of the important things in our game
Activates the secretion of male hormones (testosterone and androgens TESTOSTERONE ANDROGEN)
Black pepper
And other materials for example, Cyperus esculentus, watercress, carrots, almonds, hazelnut, nutmeg, saffron, alkbabh, chrysanthemum, Chinese ginseng, cinnamon, ginger, mint, celery
You can use rose oil, jasmine oil, sandal oil as lotion on the pubic area because these oils stimulate male hormones to contain alglokosidat (glycosides) in article juiciness as they activate cells of the testis and kidney cortex to secrete male hormones.
Grasses. To activate the male hormones
Lettuce works to stimulate the secretion of male hormones (testosterone and androgens TESTOSTERONE ANDROGEN), plus onion, black pepper, thyme, Cyperus esculentus, watercress, carrots, almonds, hazelnut, nutmeg, saffron, alkbabh, chrysanthemum, Chinese ginseng, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, mint, celery and these are being addressed through the mouth.
On the other hand, you can use rose oil, jasmine oil, sandal oil as lotion on the pubic area because these oils stimulate male hormones to contain alglokosidat (glycosides) in article juiciness as they activate cells of the testis and kidney cortex to secrete male hormones.
Have been scientifically proven to stimulate these hormones requires strengthening both the central nervous system – to stimulate the pituitary gland, testis, and this is what helps make the above materials plus interest in healthy food and balanced protein content-which is the synthesis of semen and sperm — carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, any defect in this material may lead to malfunction of sex hormones.
And the food that caused controversy when the scientists to contain large quantities of substances that affect one way or another to increase the secretion of hormones
This popular plant with a large number of people is very high nutritional value and scientific analysis has shown that the content of article Mallow carotene and vitamin a and vitamin b plays a large role in organizing the heart and strengthen the immune system and strengthen the consideration and treatment of digestive and kidney troubles.
It is significant that the Mallow close relationship in hormones, where he found that beta carotene and vitamin a are high which works to improve the performance of neurotransmitters in the body so as to increase the secretion of the hormone (serotonin) that improves mental health and depression and feel human resistance and immunity against organic causes of depression,
Here is kept a daily need of Mallow body of material assistance to the hormone (alsirtonin) and prevent stress and neurological disorders that affect humans.
On the other hand is a natural aphrodisiac Mallow where high amounts of vitamin a and chlorophyll green which increase blood thinners and the speed of flow and increase the secretion of male hormone (tststiron) and femininity hormone (brogststeron) which separate them sex glands that improve sexual power and dispensed with the use of chemotherapy.
All vitamins are important for human health in General, and group b vitamins (b-B), as well as vitamin (a, A) and vitamin B6 (h, C) are all good, but the vitamin (a, E) helps the production of male hormones and cell renewal.
Meat foodstuffs rich in protein (albumin) and essential amino acids that are important for maintaining overall health
In particular, the nutritional composition of honey, including vitamin B group, easy absorption. the special composition, it increases the capacity of men, and raises the fertilization on., called "honeymoon" because in Europe were by the grooms centuries drink honey throughout the month that precedes the marriage for the invitro fertilization. It is an important sexual tonic contains vitamins and sexually stimulating materials called vitamin fertility.
Effect of vegetables not directly on sexual potency, but give the vegetables to be effective over the long term so as to make better health but there are some types of vegetables are more influential and more directly, such as: olive, as when a chemical called
Bromocriptine affect fertility Center in the human brain
Nuts are rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and vitamin E as well as rich in amino acids and the good articles leads to increased production of hormones in men and women. The most popular nuts: almonds, walnuts, cashews, walangk
Grasses. To activate the male hormones
Lettuce works to stimulate the secretion of male hormones (testosterone and androgens TESTOSTERONE ANDROGEN), plus onion, black pepper, thyme, Cyperus esculentus, watercress, carrots, almonds, hazelnut, nutmeg, saffron, alkbabh, chrysanthemum, Chinese ginseng, cinnamon, ginger, mint, celery and these are being addressed through the mouth.
On the other hand, you can use rose oil, jasmine oil, sandal oil as lotion on the pubic area because these oils stimulate male hormones to contain alglokosidat (glycosides) in article juiciness as they activate cells of the testis and kidney cortex to secrete male hormones.
Have been scientifically proven to stimulate these hormones requires strengthening both the central nervous system – to stimulate the pituitary gland, testis, and this is what the help tells the above-mentioned materials in addition to the