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what man think about women

what men really think about women


Long hair is instinctually seen as more feminine and surprise surprise, guys like women that are feminine. If we wanted to date a dude, then we would. Why do you think in movies if they want to make a girl to look like a guy, the first thing they do is cut her hair? Because long hair is feminine. So keep this in mind when you consider cutting it all off. Your girlfriends will applaud you for your bold change, but only because they envy the courage it took to do it not because it looks good. Guys like girls with long hair. You don’t see cave drawings of women with pixie cuts, because long hair is seen as feminine. Man’s instincts and what he is attracted to haven’t changed that much in the past 50 years.

Do you think man think about woman physical
Do men pay attention to womens cellulite, belly fat, jiggly arm or chubby ankles & etc
Or you don't really care?
In a perfect world, would all women have perfect skin, and a perfect hourglass shape?

1. They see what makes you WOMANLY
This means when they look at you they instantly notice the things about your body that make you uniquely a woman. Breasts, hips, ass, curves… Even the way you walk. It’s nearly impossible for a red-blooded heterosexual male to notice anything before they read the parts of your body that say: I am a woman.
Your arm flaps do not make this list. Your cellulite does not make this list. Your stretch marks do not make this list. Sorry.
2. They see what makes you UNIQUE
That chipped tooth you hate? They think it’s kind of charming.  The muffin top? They can’t see it because it’s too near your ass, which they think is the finest thing in nine counties.
Do you think your lips are too thin? They just love it when you smile at them. (And truthfully, when they think about your lips on their body, they are NOT thinking “Oh her lips are too thin.” I PROMISE.)
If guys notice a particular body part of yours that you think makes you hideous (and I guarantee you they would never use that term) they just think it makes you uniquely…you! And since it’s YOU they are desperate for, they want that part of you as much as the others.
3. They see what you constantly draw their attention to
This is where you have the power to rock or ruin a relationship.


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