Smoking and Sun
Accompanied by a pyramid of skin changes in the characteristics and appearance of the skin and actually accelerates more pyramid in areas exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) and this process is known as the pyramid, pyramid scanning occurs because the external skin layer (epidermis) of UVB rays damage with short wavelength with layers of skin (the DermIS) to damage of UVA wavelength long, usually show more clearly the changes in face and clear at an early age when people spend a long time abroad, especially if they White skinned.
As smoking increases accelerated senescence of skin where smokers for a long time the appearance of facial lines more than non-smokers of the same age and skin color to yellow and pale color add to the smoking increases the chance of skin cancer.
Changes caused by pyramid:
Cause the pyramid or damage caused by the Sun the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and a change in the color and texture of the skin where the skin becomes thinner, causing easy tearing and scraping the skin and increase skin dryness degree for the lack of capacity for water retention.
Also appears on the skin protrusions covered yellow (elastosis) because of the tangle of blocks protein corrupted floppy in the DermIS collagen ratio than because of scars formed due to recurrent infections (due to sunburn and acne and other diseases) and the DermIS the weakened by low resilience and vulnerability of the dermis.
Also, change the activity of pigment cells (melanocytes) which causes a mottled Brown or etching of the Sun or alrokot White Perch (idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis) as you may also see an expanding lattice telangiectases or receptacles hemangiomas or angiomas red bruises senile purpura, senile klah also has a clog hair follicles dead skin layers or cellular protein broken causing blisters blackheads or comedones or solar white salty glossy gel-filled structure called b «alghraoih» as Pilaris tends Skin Verrucous lesions configuration structure is harmless.
Skin cancer
Cause ultraviolet radiation on oxidation and topical events and genetic changes in cellular components including the DAN and his impact on the immune system of the skin and this means that the skin of the pyramid is more prone to skin cancer so you must examine your skin to note the presence of lesions require treatment if you are over 40 years old, with white skin and solar burns were severe or work outside the home, as well as consult your doctor if you notice developing blocks or wounds that don't heal Or you have new patches or even only for a thorough examination.
Solar tkornat
Also known baltkornat alaktinet a dry red patches are often thin temples or Reed nose or cheeks, upper lip, and is commonly found on the back of the hands, often still by cryotherapy (freezing using liquid nitrogen).
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
The most common cancers and is a block in the color of the skin grow slowly may turn out to not drain and usually commonly found on the front or sides of the nose, in the case appeared on the body it is a red mrshavih several patches grow often appears in the lower legs.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
Have this type of cancer grows quickly forming thin squamous block usually appear in exposed areas, especially the nose, lips, hands, lower legs and grow mainly due to solar and potentially cancer-the usual way of treatment is surgical removal.
Melanoma (Melanoma)
It is less common but more serious cancers and may affect adolescents too elderly and appears in the form of a mole or developing Lentigo with irregular shape and be diagnosed and removed in a simple process in an early stage, it usually happens.