To get rid of the rumen
A healthy diet
Unlike the benefits of almonds kernels for the skin because it contains vitamin E and protein, they are also rich in fiber that makes you not feel hungry for a long
If you suffer from constipation, flatulence, eat green vegetables because they are more powerful and perfect treatment in that case, so make sure to add the parsley and watercress and spinach and lettuce and celery and the other for all daily meals.
Foods that really help you lose excess weight, eating a small amount of oat kernels in Mycosis provided few calories, is an effective way to give your body the energy required at the beginning of the day without any increase in weight.
Olive oil
Unsaturated fats has overcome a sense of hunger, also olive oil contains oleic acid which works on cracking the fat in the body and also reduce blood cholesterol.
Beans are rich in nutritional values of protein and fiber than it's low in calories, and as a result you feel satiety when ingested as the proportion of protein in beans help strengthen anaa:
Herbs that treat flatulence and facilitate digestion, so when you want to make your belly is smooth, not deteriorate in a mint drink in your diet.
In case if you don't prefer Mint drink free from any additives, you can put only in Peony Tea Cup is adequate, but prefer to drink three glasses of mint without any additives to clean the skin of the abdomen.